You're Banned! II

Thou art banned because there seemeth to be a lack of respect for Shakespearian upon this thread. Thou, however, art to be honored for thy honoring it, and thus I will bestow a sheep upon thee. *bestows sheep* (Not D's sheep.)
Thou art banned, O Lady of Eth, for I would plea unto thee for Zella. Forsooth, she doth not seek the Land of Eth, but she doth seek the Land of Oz, which is, at least, shinier.
Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth thou-eth need-eth to-eth have-eth the-eth 9th-eth Doctor-eth as-eth thy-eth avatar-eth, not-eth the-eth 10th-eth!
Thou art banned, Doctor Who fiends, for discussing the subject without end: for ends are the end of all things. Not The End of All Things, however; that is admittedly quite different.