You're Banned! II

Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth thou-eth doesn't-eth like-eth the-eth 9th-eth Doctor-eth enough-eth to-eth make-eth him-eth your-eth avatar-eth! That-eth is-eth cruel-eth. :p
Thou art banned for attempting to coerce an extreme Doctor Who fan deeper into the depths of Doctor Who-ness. Doctor Who has been proven fatal to many things (namely sanity). :p
Thou art banned, for thou shouldest not try to read the post. While causing headaches is a highly honored tradition in Dufferland, subjecting oneself to them on purpose is not. Skim thou, and the headache shall pass over thee, and pain shall not come nigh thy dwelling.
Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth thou-eth is-eth the-eth reason-eth that-eth me-eth and-eth Zella's-eth chain-eth of-eth Doctor-eth Who-eth comments-eth was-eth destroyed-eth.
Thou art banned, for bow ties bode ill for the health of society. Forsooth, I despise them and declare myself in eternal opposition to their existence.
Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth thou-eth art-eth true-eth. But-eth Ducky-eth needs-eth a-eth fez-eth in-eth order-eth to-eth be-eth cool-eth. :cool:
I avoid email abbreviations in general, but...the -eth improves things. A lot. Anyway....

Thou, Zella, art banned, for ending the nonsense which I shall not name, for fear it should again arise and defenestrate Dr. Cran's medical texts. (If they fell, there's the chance they could kill somebody.)