You're Banned! II

Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth Benedict-eth Cumberbatch-eth should-eth be-eth the-eth next-eth Doctor-eth. He's-eth ginger-eth, so-eth it-eth would-eth work-eth! He's-eth also-eth British-eth, so-eth that's-eth even-eth more-eth reason-eth to-eth make-eth him-eth the-eth next-eth Doctor-eth.
Yes-eth you-eth did-eth! I-eth pointed-eth it-eth out-eth to-eth you-eth when-eth you-eth were-eth choosing-eth it-eth today-eth! Anyway-eth, thou-eth art-eth banned-eth for-eth that-eth reason-eth. Yeaaahhhh-eth...
Thou art banned because I am now going to commence to explain what Glenburne meant:

Your location shows that you like Doctor Who. Glenburne is troubled by how many people like Doctor Who, although I'm not sure why... She has never seen any of it, to my knowledge, and is bothered by how obsessed everybody else is.
Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth my-eth student-eth hasn't-eth been-eth showing-eth up-eth for-eth his-eth lessons-eth for-eth the-eth past-eth 3-eth times-eth (he-eth comes-eth twice-eth a-eth week-eth, and-eth he-eth hasn't-eth come-eth since-eth last-eth Friday-eth).
Thou art banned, for thou wouldst watch BBC while rejecting the Tongue of Shakespeare, without which man British television would not be. Fie upon thee, thou disloyal fiend! Return unto the source of the spring, and drink deep.