You're Banned! II

Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth I-eth am-eth actually-eth starting-eth to-eth enjoy-eth playing-eth the-eth piano-eth. WHAT-ETH IS-ETH WRONG-ETH WITH-ETH ME-ETH?!?!?!
Thou art banned, for I do doubt thy true love of the Tongue of Shakespeare. Fie indeed upon thee, if thou mockest it with thy constant "eth". Pray make thy self known unto me, least I criticize thee unjustly concerning thy use of our noble language.
Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth I-eth have-eth to-eth wait-eth until-eth tomorrow-eth to-eth find-eth out-eth if-eth the-eth Doctor-eth and-eth Martha-eth will-eth survive-eth the-eth Daleks-eth!
Thou art banned (heretic, speak in the Tongue!) because I hereby fling the Super Bowl off Cliff. *flings Super Bowl off Cliff into a field of cacti* *drops bowl of petunias after*
Thou art banned because I don't like that Suzanne Collins is ruining Peeta in Mockingjay. (For all those that have already finished it, I have not yet, so please no spoilers. :eek:)