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Walt Disney Pictures

Faith, Film, and Controversy

The Narnia fan community knows all too-well the sometimes controversial link between Christian elements of the books and what has appeared on screen. This is probably most evident in discussions of Prince Caspian the book […]

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C.S. Lewis

Child-like Heart

Do not Lucy and Susan see Aslan that way and just want to bury their faces in his Aslan’s mane? Remember the romp between the three of them after Aslan returned from the dead at the stone table? I think that scene represents this side of Jesus that Lewis saw. Which is a part of the reason why I think he wrote these books as allegories for his nephew and nieces. Lewis’s point is to connect them with the reality that Jesus loves you. He has a special place for children in his heart. […]

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C.S. Lewis

C. S. Lewis’ Case for the Christian Faith Review

Richard Purtill, a former professor of philosophy at Western Washington University, sets out to answer those questions. His new book offers a clear, systematic assessment of Lewis’ lasting achievement.

At the heart of Lewis’ body of work — from “Miracles” to “The Chronicles of Narnia” to “The Screwtape Letters” — Purtill finds a rare combination of imaginative, moral and intellectual talents. […]