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Narnia Film News

Prince Caspian Footage from LWW

It may not be the highest quality, but Kev wanted to share this with you, the fans. If anyone has a higher-res version, please let us know. I’m hard to get ahold of this week, so please CC Jon Svendsen if you e-mail me. […]

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Narnia Film News

AICN talks Prince Caspian Footage

AintItCoolNews was invited to London to view 45 minutes of Prince Caspian footage. They’ve written a particularly long review of the footage. But if you want to read it, be aware that they have some profanity. There are also MANY SPOILERS, so if you don’t want to be spoiled, or to put up with the profanity, then stay away. That being said, here are some portions of the review. […]