Narnia Insiders Tour KNB EFX with Howard Berger: Part 2
Narnia Insiders go “Behind the Scenes” at Narnia’s Creature Studios, with Part 2 of their tour of KNB EFX with Howard Berger. […]
Narnia Insiders go “Behind the Scenes” at Narnia’s Creature Studios, with Part 2 of their tour of KNB EFX with Howard Berger. […]
For a “peek” of “Caspian.” courtesy of publicist Ernie Malik (“We Are Marshall”), the chronicles this time have less of a “fairy tale aura ” and more “swashbuckling” action than 2005’s “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.” […]
Go behind the scenes of Prince Caspian with Disney Movie Surfers. This video features new footage, creature and set design and more. […]
Mark Johnson wasn’t what I expected. And neither was Narnia. […]
Shooting for Narnia was done in New Zealand and Czech Republic. This story is bigger in scope, with a new look and vision. “Darker and more savage” because of the storyline( the Narnia creatures have been exiled), but still family entertainment. One aspect as a director that returning to Narnia allowed was to change / do over the creatures. Felt that last movie all the creatures were 20 – 25 years old. This time wanted to make younger and older creatures to give a fuller back drop to story. UPDATED: YouTube Video and AICN summary. […]
Dean Wright admits the bar has been raised in this second installment of the Narnia franchise. […]
Comic-Con 2007, complete with all of the exclusive news and footage descriptions – the first look any audience has received from the next exciting chapter in the fantasy adventure series! […]
Our friends at ComingSoon.net had the chance to interview Narnia producer Mark Johnson after the Prince Caspian Comic-Con presentation. They recently put it up on their site with an MP3, but they gave us permission to post a transcript of the interview as well. […]
ComingSoon.net got a chance to talk to The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian producer Mark Johnson, creature supervisor Howard Berger, visual effects supervisor Dean Wright and costume designer Isis Mussenden at the San Diego Comic-Con this weekend and you can listen to the audio interviews by going to ComingSoon.net via the links below! […]
According to Narnia.com, the Narnia part of San Diego’s Comic-Con will show more than just the fan art. It will also show footage of Prince Caspian as well as provide opportunities to talk with people who are working on Prince Caspian. […]
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