Prince Caspian Video Game Scoring Session
Mark Griskey is fast becoming one of the premier composers that video game companies call when they require original music for movie-based titles. […]
Mark Griskey is fast becoming one of the premier composers that video game companies call when they require original music for movie-based titles. […]
Disney/Walden Media’s The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian video game is scheduled to arrive on May 16, 2008 to coincide with the eagerly awaited film debut. The game will allow fans of the films and books the ability to re-live all of the excitement first-hand and we want to provide you with a sneak peak! […]
In the first video Traveler’s Tales explains the console versions of the game. What is most interesting is that the first part of the game takes place between the events of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” and “Prince Caspian.” […]
Kotaku is reporting that Disney is launching the DGamer feature with the Nintendo DS version of The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. This makes is possible to put yourself into the land of Narnia, at least virtually. Really cool concept, although it is not confirmed that you’ll be able to do that in the DS version of the game. […]
Those who long to spend their days in Narnia will be able to revisit as old heroes return 1,300 years later and a new hero must rise. Disney/Walden Media’s The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian video game will be released at retail stores throughout the United States in time for the film’s May 16, 2008, opening, Disney Interactive Studios announced today. […]
Nintendo has released a press release featuring all of their upcoming game releases for the first half of 2008. In that, they’ve given us the release dates for the Wii and DS versions of The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian video game. I’m sure that the game will also be releasing for practically everything else on the same date, but we’ll see! The release date announced is May 13, just three days prior to the release of the film, nationwide, and in a few other countries. This is a US release date, however, no word on other countries as of yet. […]
As the convergence between Hollywood and videogames moves closer, the relationships are producing otherwise impossible fruits on each side. Right now, Disney is filming The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian for a release next summer, and while 1UP checked out the early-in-development game adaptation, Traveller’s Tales revealed Disney just shot two scenes never to appear in the movie — they were done specifically for the game. […]
Disney takes us through a brief preview of the new lands we’ll soon explore and the larger than life characters we’ll meet. […]
Prince Caspian’s video game trailer has been released, as well as more details about the game, and stills of the game in progress. […]
Following on the heels of its successful videogame based on Disney Pictures blockbuster, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Disney Interactive Studios and developer Traveler’s Tales ares collaborating on the second live-action adaptation of author C.S. Lewis’ beloved Narnia works. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian game will ship in May 2008 in conjunction with Disney Pictures’ theatrical release that summer for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation 2, PSP, and Nintendo DS. (Disney-owned Fall Line Studio is creating the Nintendo DS game.) […]
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