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The Sacrifice of Aslan

Sacrifice is a major theme, if not the major theme, of C.S. Lewis’ Narnia series. It is the essence of giving up one’s self for the sake of another, a gift that usually is a saving gift, that kind of sacrafice is the theme most prominent in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. […]

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C.S. Lewis

Child-like Heart

Do not Lucy and Susan see Aslan that way and just want to bury their faces in his Aslan’s mane? Remember the romp between the three of them after Aslan returned from the dead at the stone table? I think that scene represents this side of Jesus that Lewis saw. Which is a part of the reason why I think he wrote these books as allegories for his nephew and nieces. Lewis’s point is to connect them with the reality that Jesus loves you. He has a special place for children in his heart. […]

Narnia Film News

First Picture of the Cast

A photo from the set of the four children in the beginning of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. This photo shows Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy sitting in a train station (or on […]