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Narnia Film News

‘Narnia’ tours light the way

In Disney’s new blockbuster The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, four young siblings use a wardrobe door to travel from wartime England to the mythical landscapes of Narnia, the fairy-tale world made famous by British novelist C.S. Lewis. […]

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C.S. Lewis

Lewis & Tolkien, faith & friendship

When C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien first met on May 11, 1926 at Oxford University, where Tolkien was a professor of English language and Lewis a professor of English literature, they initially didn’t hit it off. Tolkien didn’t think English literature held much academic validity. Lewis’ Protestant upbringing had taught him never to trust a “Papist”; Tolkien was Catholic. […]

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C.S. Lewis

A Guide to the C S Lewis Tour in Oxford

For anyone who is interested in the life of this celebrated author. Ronald K. Brind has combined his own life-long interest with extensive research to produce a comprehensive guide of the Oxford area, taking in all the sites of significance in the story of C. S. Lewis. The guide can be used in isolation or as a companion publication to the C. S. Lewis Tours run by this author. […]

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C.S. Lewis

Rick Warren to Present at C.S. Lewis Summer Institute, July 24 – Aug. 6

Stan Mattson, Ph.D., president and founder of the C.S. Lewis Foundation, today announced that Pastor Rick Warren, renown best-selling author of A Purpose-Driven Life, has confirmed his participation in the upcoming C.S. Lewis Institute conference in Oxford and Cambridge, England, from July 24 through August 6, 2005. […]

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C.S. Lewis

The Question of God – Sigmund Freud & C.S. Lewis

Based on a popular Harvard course taught by Dr. Armand Nicholi, author of The Question of God, the series illustrates the lives and insights of Sigmund Freud, a life-long critic of religious belief, and C.S. Lewis, a celebrated Oxford don, literary critic, and perhaps this century’s most influential and popular proponent of faith based on reason. […]

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C.S. Lewis

‘Best of C.S. Lewis,’ 5-week course, scheduled at church

St. Charles the Martyr Episcopal Church will host a five-week course entitled “The Best of C.S. Lewis: Part Two.” The course is open to the public and attendees need not have attended part one last year. C.S. Lewis, who died in 1963, was a scholar at Oxford and Cambridge Universities. During World War II he was heard weekly on the BBC radio as a voice of comfort and encouragement. […]

C.S. Lewis

City that inspired Narnia fantasy

With work under way on a film of CS Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, BBC News Online’s Greg McKevitt investigates the roots of its Belfast-born author and the Northern Ireland settings that fired his boyhood imagination. […]