The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Network Premiere on ABC
“The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is scheduled to make its’ network debut on ABC. The film will air at 8:00pm EST, on Saturday, May 3rd. […]
“The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is scheduled to make its’ network debut on ABC. The film will air at 8:00pm EST, on Saturday, May 3rd. […]
Julian wrote in to inform everyone of not just one, but two trailers. The first is the trailer we’ve all been waiting for, the second is a 9-minute SUPER Trailer! We’ll post information about all of that as we receive it! […]
It’s not easy to put a year in the palm of your hand, but the Disney Insider Yearbook: 2005 Year in Review aims to do just that. Or at least to put the year on your coffeetable – this is a large and lavish book. The Yearbook is an effort to put all the excitement and events of last year in one place, packed with the people, events, and pictures we’ll want to remember in years to come. […]
They pulled out all the stops for last night’s premiere of ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ – even going as far as falling snow. […]
The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall last night entered the wintry world of Narnia at the world premiere of The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe. […]
I have just spoken with James, a reporter on the site of the World Premiere of the film in London. He’s stationed under a tent with about 30 journalists. He says that there are more people there than he’s ever seen, the mood is great, and the people are excited. […]
Ciboule let us know that the French premiere of Narnia will be held in Paris, with Andrew Adamson! […]
Tickets to the premire start at 50 pounds, about $75US. A ticket to the pre-premiere reception costs 45 pounds. Tickets to the post-premiere cast party in Kensington Gardens are not for sale, unless you can afford a special box for twelve at a price of 20,000 pounds. The Prince of Wales and his wife are expected to attend, as this has been selected as this year’s Royal Film Performance. […]
Beginning this Monday (9/26), K-LOVE teams with Disney Night of Joy and Family Christian Stores to send a winner and their guest to London, England to the Royal Premiere of the much-anticipated Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe motion picture! […]
Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, an ice rink, a giant ice chandelier, ice carvings and indoor snow falls will feature in the lavish world premiere of Kiwi director Andrew Adamson’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. […]
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