Narnia Film News

Interview with Henrik Tamm

Narniaweb has interviewed Henrik Tamm. Tamm worked as a concept artist on The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and is currently working on Prince Caspian. You can also see some of his fantastic concept art pieces. […]

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Narnia Film News

Tehanu’s Set Report #4: The Stone Table

This week I visit in the evening. One film crew is working early morning until mid-afternoon; the second unit starts at 1 pm and works until 1 am. Before seeing them, I have a look at some places that are starting to look familiar – the courtyard of the Witch’s house, and the great hall of Cair Paravel. […]

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Narnia Film News

Coming Soon Set Visit #1: The “Ice Queen” (aka The White Witch)

From there, a short drive down a road takes you to the most solemn set. A short grassy hill rises out of the sound stage floor. Upon the crest of the hill a circle of boulders surrounds the Stone Table. The table is inscribed with runes and looks ready for the dreary task it will be given to do. […]