Making a Faun or Minotaur Costume? Weta Legs can help!
Do you have a knack for creating costumes? How about costumes of the creatures seen in movies like Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings or Narnia? If you have costumes to create for Movies, […]
Do you have a knack for creating costumes? How about costumes of the creatures seen in movies like Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings or Narnia? If you have costumes to create for Movies, […]
When they talk about “living the dream”, they are talking about people like Weta guru Richard Taylor. He loves movies, he loves making things for movies, and he’s just completed work on the latest Narnia, Prince Caspian. […]
Designed as a high end collectible by Weta artist Stephen Crowe, who also designed armour and weaponry for the film, the Minotaur bust from Disney’s The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian was sculpted by Weta veteran Jamie Beswarick, and exudes power and determination, a superb follow-up piece to the energetic Warrior Satyr statue already announced. […]
WETA NZ is now taking pre-orders for book copies signed by Weta Creative Director Richard Taylor of Crafting Of Narnia: The Art, Creatures And Weapons From Weta Workshop on the Weta website. […]
Following the success of their debut range from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe, Weta have once again teamed up with Disney Consumer Products and the talented technicians who worked on the highly anticipated sequel releasing this summer, The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian, to create a line of statues and miniatures based on the film. […]
From radionz.co.nz: Head of Weta Workshop Richard Taylor on his busy year.
There’s quick mention that they worked on Prince Caspian, but nothing really new. It is interesting, though.
Production blog #8 brings us to Weta and what goes behind the scenes there for Prince Caspian. […]
Now that you’ve seen the wondrous creatures in The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, it’s time to meet Ben Wootten of New Zealand’s award-winning Weta Workshop. Concentrating on creature, armor […]
WETA e-mailed us to share a Christmas Greeting with you, from Richard Taylor. In it, he reveals that he did, in fact, get the chance to work on Prince Caspian. The extent is not yet known, but we’re glad that they were able to be involved once again! […]
WETA has e-mailed us to invite you to a forum blitz. Daniel Falconer, a member of the Narnia design team will be appearing on WETA’s Forums next Monday, 18 December 2006, to answer your questions and reply to your comments. […]
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