Dr. Michael Ward wrote the Planet Narnia book which reveals a hidden layer of symbolism in the Chronicles of Narnia books where each book corresponds with the seven medieval planets. Recently Michael Ward announced plans to publish a sequel to Planet Narnia where he will explain the deeper layer of hidden symbolism buried beneath the hidden symbolism that you didn’t know about unless you read the first book. Michael Ward spent years researching this and said,”I instinctively knew that it was a real discovery. It was a genuine literary secret. If this is correct it will not only change our view of C.S. Lewis as a writer, but it will also change our view of God and the universe.” The new book titled Planet Narnia Diet reveals that each of the seven Chronicles of Narnia books represents one of the seven layers of the medieval food pyramid. “It happened after I finished publishing Planet Narnia. I was lying in bed one night, in January 2009, reading a poem C.S. Lewis wrote about the medieval dietary pyramid. I soon realized that the way C.S. Lewis described each layer of the food pyramid seemed like summaries of the Narnia books.”
The website PlanetNarniaDiet.com describes several strong arguments to explain the parallels between the layers of the medieval food pyramid and The Chronicles of Narnia. Prince Caspian represents the fruit layer of the pyramid. “One perplexing thing about Prince Caspian is the amount of detail that C.S. Lewis uses to describe the apples that the children ate. Was this just a case of bad writing or was there more to Narnia than meets the eye?” The apples are an obvious piece of medieval dietary symbolism, but there is more to the story than just the abundance of apples. Bacchus is another piece of the fruit imagery where he brings grapes into the story of Prince Caspian. In Planet Narnia Michael Ward explained that Prince Caspian was the Narnia story that represented the planet Mars. Mars was a vegetation deity and this explains why C.S Lewis chose Mars to represent the fruit layer of the Planet Narnia Diet. Mars in French is Mardi which is where we get Mardi Gras when people drink an abundance of fruits of the vine. Throughout the Prince Caspian story examples of hidden symbolism can be found.
The Silver Chair is the story which C.S. Lewis used to explain his least favorite layer of the medieval food pyramid—vegetables. Was it a merely a coincidence that the villain was the Lady of the “Green” Kirtle?“Is this an example of imaginative confusion or is there another purpose at work? The book is structured to represent the great divide in medieval diets.” In the Silver Chair everything above the ground is enjoyable and made of bread and meat, but everything bellow the ground is despicable where one can only eat potatoes and broccoli. C.S. Lewis studied medieval literature, explaining why he knew that Father Time was a moderate vegetarian. This is why he is called “Vegiterbanius” in some early drafts of The Silver Chair. Of course, people who chose to eat vegetables must eat them with some form of silverware which is why the Silver Chair is made of actual silver. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe covers a very different part of the food pyramid. This book represents the sweets that are to be consumed in small amounts. In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Edmund is tempted with enchanted Turkish Delight and Lucy is offered by Mr. Tumnus to enjoy tea with sugar in it.
Narnia Code 2 will also be adapted into an hour long TV special to air on BBC One and the Food Network. The Planet Narnia Diet will be published soon and the accompanying cookbook will be available April 1st, 2012.
Wait, so that means that The Horse and His Boy is probably referring to the “Fish” section because Arsheesh is a fisherman, and the Calormenes eat a lot of seafood.
That’s insane! I’d never thought about this…but it all makes sense now.
? Um..that is cool?
These Narnia April Fools Day jokes are getting ridiculous.
As a reviewer, I was given an advance copy of Planet Narnia Diet and let me tell you now; IT REALLY WORKS!! Thanks to Dr. Ward’s fantastic book, I lost 45 lbs last week alone!
I’m sorry, you just made my day =D.
Love you, Narniafans!
Best comment ever!
This is obviously an April Fools Joke. Mars was the god of WAR, not of vegetation. XD
He actually represented both. That was taken from the Narnia Code DVD.
Well, nice try! 🙂
But I don’t believe any “news” posted here on April 1st. 😉
Ditto 🙂 😉
I sure won’t next year!
A little French lesson:
NarniaFans reported that “Mars in French is Mardi which is where we get Mardi Gras when people drink an abundance of fruits of the vine.”
But if I remember my high school French correctly, “Mardi” is the French word for Tuesday not Mars, with Mardi Gras meaning “Fat Tuesday” – the last day that Catholic believers may partake of certain foods before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.
Thanks for the fun and humor on April 1st.
I took that example from the Narnia Code DVD. What most people do not realize is that each of the days of the week represents one of the seven planets. Tuesday is the day that represents Mars.
wow what the problem with you narniafans why are u publishing all the nonsense…do you think u are attracting your fans like that it all makes me remember of da vinci code
wow what the problem with you commenters (caro, I’m looking at you), posting all this emotional nonsense…do you even realize how bad your grammar, capitalization, and punctuation are? It reminds me of the internet.
Have you ever heard of April Fools Day? It’s this odd thing that the Narnia fansites all celebrate.
Technically the word Internet should be capitalized. Both Aaron and C.S. had this wrong.
Okay…whatever! Just stop it okay??? You most likely didn’t get what I was trying to say!
Sorry to give you a hard time. I am already working ahead for next year’s April Fools.
Okay people…stop it! just calm down!
To Aaron Harrington: Okay about the grammar thing…people don’t really care. I do agree about that grammar,capitalization…ect…but when you are happpy,excited or mad you don’t really think about how to write/type properly. You just do it. I hope this makes sense to someone out there.
Please, correct me if any errors. and by the way it is the internet…lol.