Yes, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The contest to win Eustace’s Journal straight from the set of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader!
Enter Here
Complete with entries, drawings and thoughts on life, this journal is a part of NARNIA HISTORY and it may be yours!
Entrants may enter the Sweepstakes during the Sweepstakes Period by visiting Walden’s Facebook page at facebook.com/waldenmedia, then clicking the “like” button in order to “like” the page, then entering the entrant’s email address where prompted. People who are already “fans” of the Walden Facebook page need not “like” the page again, but will still be required to enter their email address where prompted by the Administrator’s app in order to enter the Sweepstakes. Entrants may not submit more than one (1) entry in the Sweepstakes. If Sponsor detects fraudulent activity, Sponsor may disqualify any entrant. All entries are subject to approval by Sponsor, which reserves the right to reject any submission for any reason in its sole discretion at any time, including, without limitation, based on facts or circumstances arising before, during or after submission of an entrant’s submissions. Entries may not be acknowledged unless an entry is selected as a potential winner, as described in the official rules.
Ohhh! This is one of the only times I wished I had Facebook!:(
Yeah, me to. However, my friend will probably do it for me. Funny, with Facebook being so indespencible, i get allong just fine without it. 🙂
Is this the sort of thing the winner would end up paying hefty taxes on? Or because it is a journal and not something necessarily determined in worth, perhaps it is not a largely taxable item?
That only happens on a prize that is over a certain dollar amount in value. I know the number is high, like $600 or more.
Wow, I really wish that people would stop putting contests like this on FACEBOOK. I dont have one, and I really want to try and enter(maybe win). Bummed.
Oooooh, i would totally LOVE this, but i don’t have Facebook! it ALMOST makes me wish I had an account 😉
Hoho! Meeery Christmas! 😛 LOL. Actually, I don’t have a FB either…waaah!!! Oh well, it’s not exactly like I wanted one, but it still would be cool to see or HAVE a real prop from Narnia!!! LOL.
i try it. luckily i have facebook.
i hope I have a chance to win this amazing price..
I was reading the rules, and it looked like the two 3rd place winners were getting the journals. I think it said the 1st place winner was getting a whole bunch of DVDs. Am I correct on this? Just curious… (:
i really loved the movie and the actor bruce spence did a very good job in the movie and I would love to have one of the real props froem the movie & i give thumbs up to this movie.
WoW! This is…oh, wait I DON”T have facebook…this stinks…good luck to you guys.
Perhaps one of these days I will have to get a Facebook account; I’ve been avoiding it, but this kind of stuff really tests my will!
My parental controls won’t let me go to the link, it says that it has pornography 😕
My parents block things too, for security reason’s….
On Facebook???
Sorry about that. I’m not the official host of the contest. It’s being run by the studios. We’re just promoting it. Plus, they’re making use of our fan page as part of it.
I know it’s not your fault… but seriously, they have a website! Why not use it?!?
I believe they’re working to build up their social media presence.
Hey, if me not winning the Eustace journal because I don’t have Facebook means Narnia gets more advertising, then they can go on ahead with their contests! 😉
This is exciting!
I agree with everyone else- why is it that nearly all of the Narnia contests require Facebook?
I have no desire to make a Facebook account, and I’m surely not going to create one just for a chance to enter the contest. I wish they had another option for entering along with the Facebook one.
This has a lot to do with the fact that over half of the citizens of the United States has a Facebook account.
But what about the other half of us? =)
Especially considering the fact that a large portion of the Narnia fans do not have Facebook accounts!
and most of them are…kids!
Then we can “ooooh” and “ahhhh” over it all we like without having to constantly be worrying about losing!
..Okay, maybe not.
Any other suggestions? 😉
I had an awesome experience in Disney World I Orlando, Florida where there was a Prince Caspian Experience, where we got to see the STONE TABLE, i touched the WARDROBE and saw the WHITE WITCH’S WAND!!! (all from the actual movies!!!) it was really cool. Well, luckily i have facebook and I’m really hoping to get this. 😀
Ahhhh! SO cool!!!!! You’re a living piece of Narnia history!!! wow, that’s kinda scary actually….
Lol, u are SO lucky! I’d, like, kiss the stone table and the wardrobe! 🙂 lol, yes, i’m a very extreme fan when it comes to the movies.
i have facebook but i’m from malaysia and the contest is only for people from U.S. 🙁
now that is not fair at all….Only in U.S….that’s terrible!
It WAS in the rules, C.S….
Sorry Jade, I know how much it stinks, though. 🙁
okay, but I was just saying that it isn’t fair….
Wow this is so….. awesome
I want to win… 🙂
pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ASLAN!!! help me ^^
you do know Aslan = christ right? (I thought I would let you know…)
as in it means christ….sorry about that…
God is good
VERY true…
Okay so I am bored….
Is there anyone out there that live in PA!!! Like near Beford or maybe even Johnstown or maybe Hersey????? I haven’t met anyone who goes on narniafan’s.com…..(In real life, face to face I mean!!) I am so bored! Like Iwrite a little of the book….then I blog….write…blog….get the picture?
I wish someone would say something new!!!!
(by the way archery was fun!)
of course I do more things than just writting and blogging, but I didn’t want to waste space….
by the way… Has anyone won yet???? Just wondering.