Recent content by HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

  1. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    And Rock Begot Metal

    If I'm on then I will say hello to her.
  2. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    I miss this place a lot.

    Just say your username basically and chat without being weird by sending memes, a fanfiction or something on any of them though on Tumblr if you want it private. I can make it private the ask.
  3. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    I miss this place a lot.

    You can go to, wiki fandom, Tumblr, Waltons Forum (inactive there), Quotev, Reddit,, A03, Wattpad, hogwartsishere, Pottermore and/or Quora. I think I listed most of my websites. So you can contact me those places. I usually go by SparkleDemigodess or...
  4. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    I miss this place a lot.

    I still like it and make art of it I just haven't read the books in 3 years that's why I say formerly. (Redek is because of a charachter from KOTLC)
  5. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    Thanks though it is a fake one but I will count it as a birthday.

    Thanks though it is a fake one but I will count it as a birthday.
  6. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    Name Origins

    Mine is because I wanted to add my favourite series so I used Hermione because she was the only girl I knew of back when I signed in, Lucy is my favourite charachter for some reason and Chase was because Annabeth was the only girl I knew in Percy Jackson though I am thinking of adding a KOTLC...
  7. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    Before you follow me please ask here or on the link...

    Before you follow me please ask here or on the link:
  8. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    What Do You Hope That Narnia Films Or Series Get Right?

    I hope they cast Susan and Lucy like how they were described in the books.
  9. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    "lipstick, nylons and invitations"

    Referring to the previous poster: It Isn't anything bad at all so why remove it from reprints of books. It would make people want to write other ways not an actual book.
  10. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    Conference: How to Read and Write Like an Inkling

    That is very unexpected I would think they didn't know their facts about them that well.
  11. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    Concerns about Netflix's Narnia

    That is an interesting fact.
  12. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    The Christianity in the Chronicles

    Aslan most likely by no mistake.
  13. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    All New Harry Potter Thread post July 15, 2011

    This, Narnia and Keeper Of The Lost Cities are my fav books at the moment. Maybe forever?
  14. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    * Spoilers Did the three children die at the end of the story?

    Why did he make Susan such a girly-girl? And will he make her go to Narnia when she dies?
  15. HermioneLucyRedek-Chase

    Your gift from Father Christmas

    I would wish for Lucy's healing potion or anything useful.