Olórin the Wise

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  • Oh, WOW. :eek:


    How did you come up with that?!?!? I've searched and searched...though I guess I haven't done much recently... I'm so glad they include the intros, even if they're at the wrong ends. :p They're so funny. (BTW, Los Olivados, though somewhat amusing, is about the least interesting of the bunch--so I don't worry about it. ;)) Did you listen to all of them??? (And what did you think, if you did?)

    Oh, and since you're interested in computers...you might enjoy the GNU song! (Nothing to do with computers in itself--but it did contribute to the decision to use that recursive acronym for the GNU OS.)

    Thank you very much...I will now torture people constantly with links to relevant songs. *evil grin*
    Yay! You got it. :D It really is a lot like facebook, come to think of it. I don't use the wall all that much there though, so the likeness didn't immediately occur to me.
    Actually, let me re-explain. You click on 'view conversation,' and then type your message in the little box up top. That way the other person gets your message (if you post on your own profile, chances are they won't get it), and the forum will keep track of the conversation--anytime you click on 'view conversation' it will display the messages that have been posted in that manner. There. Enough?
    *lol* You're supposed to reply, then your reply ends up on the other person's profile. :D
    HAHAHAHAHA! :D I did it once, but you've been posting answers on your own profile all along! :p
    Do you have the Microsoft .NET framework installed? Are you running a firewall or antivirus program? What type of internet connection are you using?
    you know what's really srange? I tried to download paint.net and the dafont fonts but everytime my computer freaks out. Do you know why?
    Hi! It isn't too late to go see the wedding of the gunslinger and the converted former witch in "Roleplay By Monologues."
    dont run *brings Lauren Slippers, sits expectantly*

    *teacher walks up "hey kid! shouldnt you be in shcool", Lauren blushes "uhhhhh"*
    i'll have to comment on that here, since the respected writers wish we stop spamming their thread *waldo*
    *is shocked* How could you? Have I ever given you reason not to trust me?
    yes you have! and you stole that quote from potc!!
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