Olórin the Wise

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  • The surgery went well!

    It _shouldn't_ be long at all after U.S. Thanksgiving Day, real-world time, before the Christian gunslinger (think "Gospel Bill," for those who know that TV character) and the converted former sorceress are united in holy marriage on Monologues. In make-believe time, a few things still need to happen:

    1) Aslan must meet with Emmett and Queenie, to give them advice about marriage. (Hey, Evening Star, can I get YOU to assume the role of Aslan for this?)

    2) Wedding-party members, and music selections, must be chosen. I favor Camille Saint-Saens' Third Symphony--the triumphant-sounding part used in "BABE"--as the bridal entrance music...NOT the overused "Here Comes The Bride."

    3) Both lovers must compose their vows, and the parson who is to perform the ceremony must find suitable Scriptures OTHER THAN First Corinthians 13, which Janalee and I used at our wedding.
    you do know that there's a book called elsewhere - thats about ag irl that dies and goes to a place called elsewhere which is basically heaven and then you grow backwars..
    awsome book :D
    When you see this, please pray for my Dad: still unconverted, now hospitalized with undetermined problems, and rapidly running out of time.
    you never answered my post only toj's? *sulks* i feel neglected!
    guy in post office: that's $0,55, please.
    By the way, Olorin, have you ever been in an online roleplay, and seen it getting totally ruined by people refusing to pay the slightest attention to other people's posts, so that every imagined action and event was being contradicted? I invite you to read at least the first page of my satirical thread, "Roleplay by Monologues," which was created to expose and ridicule this phenomenon.
    would you prefer to be part of a spy group with levi and ben
    or do a jig with a pig?

    i'm completly serious here
    ah, a wise saying goes: school won't last forever, brushing your teeth will!
    decide which is worse :p
    but just fine sounds good *holds thumb up*
    *sighs* okay, who gnawed on my thumb again??
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