260. When you are desperately thankful to see Lossy show up--the great champion of the Count.
259. Or Countess. Whichever the C. is, it seems to be in its death throes around here.
256. *wrinkles nose* I don't like those things. Give me shrimp! And if you bread it, then I will bread you. Breading is a waste of bread.
255. When you give Lossy's sandwich to the Count.
248. When you list an allergy to the mod lounge on your medical records, along with your allergies to cats, whales, ducks, fish, nuts, plastic, newspaper editorials, textbooks, and happy mushrooms.
245. When you love Lossy's little circles so much that you bake one and eat it for lunch (along with roasted happy mushrooms).
244. When you think that all roasted mushrooms are happy mushrooms.