1000 Signs Your Addicted To Dufferland

389. You obsess about inaccurate post counts, even when it was only a typo.
388. You feel that the missing numbers deserve recognition.
383. It annoys you when people count up instead of down.
378. You check this thread meticulously every time you're on to make sure no-one has made a mistake.
377. You think that this is normal behaviour.
376. You are fairly confident that others think this is normal behaviour.
372. You think that there should be a separate post count for Dufferland.
371. You think the content of reason 372 because you rarely post anywhere else...
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370. You think the post count for Dufferland should bear no relation to the actual number of posts you have made.
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366. when you check the number count 5 times, going back 4 pages, to make sure the number you post is the right one.....*peepiceek:.....-.- :mad:.....:p*

365. when over 3,000 of your post count is due to duffer threads being put into the archives.
362. you're able to keep count of everything despite accidental and non-accidental mistakes in the numbers.

361. you've pulled an all-nighter on dufferland more than 5 times.
369. You edit your posts when you get the post count wrong! (Oops, sorry! 372 now changed to 370.)
368. You also explain to Lady Callandra that you insist that every number should actually be referenced, even if its omission was due to a typo, counting up instead of down, or other error.
367. You have actually thought through the issue carefully enough to have a view on how posts should be numbered in this thread.
364. You can be bothered to explain the reasoning.
363. The reasoning is that over this thread too many numbers have been repeated to make it meaningful just to count up the number of actual points listed - we should be around 100 if we did that, since everything from 492-392 was repeated, for a start, because someone did a typo and everyone else followed after them.
360. You also feel sympathy for the numbers that would otherwise feel left out, and want to include them.
359. You have seriously considered compiling all the existing points mentioned into a single, accurately-numbered, list.
358. But have observed that this is not going to solve the problems.
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357. When you're at the point in your life where numbers can drive you so crazy, there's 20 + rules devoted to them.
356. When you reference Waldo in face to face conversations.
355. When you buy music exclusively for the fact that it reminds you of something that happen 6 months ago on dufferland.
354. When you've printed every post of the LPG, Charn Tim, So, Who's on Now...., and You're Banned threads and turned them into novels to read when you're away from the computer.
353. When you start playing with your food at the table, not because you normally do that, but because it brings back nostalgic memories of Dufferland.
341. You have developed a strong attachment toward cats, not because you own any or because you want to own any, but because you've carried on a conversation with Mozart's kittens in the Insane Asylum.
339. When, after you've described your mood to someone else, you wonder if you just uttered a dufferism.
338. when you nearly phrase everyday conversation as an addiction
337. when you accidentally miss out the 'nearly'
336. when you don't include the 'accidentally'
334。You are glad to find us near the end of the 300s.

332。You are surprised that it took so long.

Me: Hi, how're you doing?
Lizzy (completely sane, non-TDL-member friend): Fine, how are the addictions coming along?
Me: Been speading up a bit lately, we're in the 330s.
Lizzy: Nice to hear that. Come up with any new ones lately?

330。When your friend asks you a math question, you jump up suddenly and yell: "WHEN GREEN IS NEXT TO GOLD ON YOUR COLOR WHELL!"

329。When you count addictions on the way to school, just to pass time.

328。When you count addictions instead of sheep to fall asleep. :o

327。When you are addicted to addictions.