A Fantasy Story

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on the radio??? that's amazing! are you feeling better? (that's a genuine question, not an implication that you need to write more...although now that i mention it...jk, get better, grace!)
Chapter Nineteen
"Does it hurt?" An unfamiliar voice asked.
Argo blinked his eyes. His head felt like it had exploded. "Sey..."
"He's awake!" Argo winced at the noise and tried to focus. Where was he?
"What did he say?" A second voice asked.
"It sounded like 'Say'." The first replied
"I said yes..." Argo groaned, reaching up to touched the back of his head.
"Wouldn't do that if I were you." The man cautioned. "Hold still and wait."
No sorry, can't be done! :p

"Wait for what?" Argo asked slowly. "Where am I? Where is Chaim?"
"Who's Chaim?"
"My brother..." Argo whispered.
"What!?!" The man exclaimed leaping to his feet. "You captured me an elf!?!"
"Yes sire," The soldier said nervously, "We thought you might like it... You were always interested in elves..."
"Yes! Yes!" The king exclaimed, "I want to see it! Now!"
"He is badly wounded my lord..."
The king's face fell. He was only very young, probably not even twenty, but he was obsessed with elves. "He will live?"
"I do not know..."
"Get the best healers in the land!" The king ordered, "Get them now! Let no expense be spared! The very best you hear! THE BEST!"
"Right away your honor." The soldier murmured, "at once." He bowed quickly and left the room.
"You," The king nodded at another soldier, "Take me to the elf."
IKIBUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*shouts in Ticare* Can you post more?! PLEASE PLEASE ELINDIL?!
The king drew in his breath when he saw the wound. "Certainly badly hurt, isn't he?"
"Very," The healer nodded.
"Can you keep him alive?"
"I don't know your majesty..." The healer paused, and began wrapping fresh bandages around Chaim's chest. "You see, if this where a human, I think he would have been dead long ago."
"But he's not human..."
"No...I think something...or someone, is keeping him alive."
The king raised an eyebrow. "Magic?"
The healer nodded. "I can think of nothing else."
"Marelous!" The king cried, so suddenly the healer jumped. "Imagine! I have my very own magical elf!" He turned and began to leave the room. Then he called out behind him; "Keep him alive, Maro, or I'll have your head on a platter."
The healer groaned and continued bandaging. "My head? Why not the soldier that stabbed him?" Maro pulled the blankets back over Chaim. "And what cheek! Thinks he knows everything about elves that boy! And now he's claiming this one for a pet!" The healer brushed a strand of hair away from Chaim's ear. "I wonder if having pointed ears makes the elves hear better." He murmured.
"It does..." Chaim whispered.
Chapter Twenty
"Let go of me!" Frida yelled at the soldier, who was tugging he along by her hair.
"Shut her up!" A second soldier yelled, "She's enough to wake the dead!"
"And I hope to heaven you'll be the dead ones!" Argo spat at him. "Just let her go! You can keep me, but for goodness sake! Let the girl go!"
"We wouldn't want to release your darling wife!" The soldier laughed, "She might get lost!"
"Wife?" Argo asked, "She's not my wife! I'm not even married!"
"You can lie all you like little prince!" The soldier snapped, "It won't change a thing!"
"Little prince?" Argo looked puzzled, he turned to Frida. "What's he talking about?"
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