A Royally Mixed Future

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'Oh,' she answered, her voice going back down to a whisper. 'I don't want to hurt it's feelings, Aunt Lucy. I just want to play with him.'
"Well you see," she said still in a whisper as Peter and the mouse were talking, "you have to treat him like he's an adult man. If he agrees to play with you, you can, but not now. Just listen to uncle Peter talk ok?"
Ooc: William!! Lol

Reepicheep looked up at the woman extending her hand and bowed to her. "It is an honor to meet you, my lady," he said while in his bow. He looked up as King Peter introduced her. "Finance? Congratulations are in order! Soon, you will be a Queen!" he said, grinning in a way only a mouse could. He looked around at the others. "Sire, I know only that I must lead you there, but if they are your guests, I shall lead on!"

Clarissa smiled at the mouse, realizing he was quite an attractive creature, if not rational. "A pleasure to meet you Reepicheep," she said with a smile. Then, she heard him say Queen and she paled. "Wait... Peter?" she turned to him, eyes wide. "I don't think..." she trailed off, not sure what to even say.

Caspian paced the floor of the throne room. Those Lords that had remained loyal and the creatures that had all be appointed to his council had all dispersed. He was now alone with his thoughts and only the tap of his boots and the echo of them accompanied him.
"Don't look so troubled," Aslan's voiced echoed around the room as if he were part of every stone.
Caspian spun on his heel, and upon seeing the Great Lion, he knelt down on one knee.
"Stand, Son of Adam," Aslan said, his voice containing a hint of a purr.
Caspian stood and looked at the Great Lion. "What do I owe this Honor, Great One?" he asked, eyes troubled.
"I have come to warn that you will soon have guests, and they will be a great asset to you... as they were once years ago," he told him, his voice gaining power as he spoke.
Then, he turned and walked out of the room, leaving Caspian with only his thoughts and the ring of Aslan's voice around the room.
Clarissa crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Actually, no, I think you might have skipped that part," she said, although not mad. She was more terrified than anything else. "So... I guess that is where Reepicheep- is that right?- is from?" she asked, looking between the two of them. "And your siblings, they're royalty as well?" she asked, looking at Lucy, Edmund, and Susan.

Ooc: Going to dinner... be back soon!!
'Royalty? Edmund?' Somehow, Rebecca couldn't imagine Edmund being King of a place... he did practice a sense of authority over the younger ones, but she still couldn't exactly see him on a throne... 'I see,' she finally answered.
Reepicheep looked around at everyone. "I hate to prod, but we really must proceed..."

Suddenly, a strong wind picked up- seemingly from nowhere- and whipped around the room. It gathered everyone together and then suddenly whisked them off their feet. If there had been one person remaining to stand by and watch, they would have seen the group there for one minute and gone the next.

Clarissa felt the wind pick up around her. It pushed and soon she was right next to Peter. She took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Suddenly, the wind blew at a blinding speed and Clarissa closed her eyes. Suddenly, she was laying against a cold floor, but Peter's warm hand was still in her's. 'Did I faint?' she thought as he mentally checked to see if anything was hurt. As she slowly opened her eyes, she was met with the sight of Reepicheep standing over her. "What happened?" she asked, putting her hand to her head.
Edmund, being used to magic and having experienced this before, quickly put an arm around Rebecca's waist and his other arm grabbed hers. He saw Lucy, Susan, and Peter do the same with the others. As quickly as the wind had begun, it died down and Edmund felt soft earth under his feet.
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Susan landed on the ground softly, and looked around with wide, almost crying eyes. "I can't believe it" she said softly. Will looked around, almost stunned. "Susan, where are we and why doesnt it look like home."
"Calm down will you!" Susan said giggiling and she took his hand. "We are home..."


Edmund reassured the others also:

"Yes, everyone, please stay calm. We know where we are. This is home for us, right King Peter?"
OCC: HAHA! I thought of it and I couldnt let that epicness go to waste ahaha! :cool:

IC: Susan looked at Peter and felt a sense of comfort around her. She looked at Will who was mouthing things to himself, probably thinking it was all a dream.
Edmund also remembered that now that they were here in Narnia, things were different. It mean that Peter was once more a the High King. Not that he has ever ceased to be, but what it meant, at least for Edmund was that now Peter was in charge. However, as it had been the case long ago. He was ready to help his brother in any way he could.
They had landed after the wild wind had blown them out of the library. Rebecca was a bit confused. 'Is this the Narnia you were talking about?' she asked.
Ooc: LOVED it!!

Clarissa looked around the large, stone room that they had landed in. There were tall, wooden chairs that surrounded them on three sides, with a single throne on her left side (ooc: aka, the throne room in Caspian's castle!). This whole thing gave her chills of mystery and excitement, however she was still worried about the whole thing. "You're king? So... I will have to start bowing and calling you King Peter now?" she asked Peter, not sure how to react to this whole thing.
Ooc: LOVED it!!

Clarissa looked around the large, stone room that they had landed in. There were tall, wooden chairs that surrounded them on three sides, with a single throne on her left side (ooc: aka, the throne room in Caspian's castle!). This whole thing gave her chills of mystery and excitement, however she was still worried about the whole thing. "You're king? So... I will have to start bowing and calling you King Peter now?" she asked Peter, not sure how to react to this whole thing.

"Dear would suffice," he said, "Lu?"
"Yeah Pete?"
"Do you remember the combat training from way back when?"
"Of course," she answered.
"Good just making sure."
"Just Dear?" she asked, completely taken aback. "Peter, I feel like I don't even know a whole part of you right now!" she said, slight panic in her tone. Peter was the best thing that had happened to her, but if he hadn't told her about this... she didn't want to think past that.

Caspian had been running around the palace for the past hour, following Aslan's limited warning on their visitors. He had the servants ready room after room, and both Telmarine and Narnian creature alike were lending hand and paw. He was walking past the Throne room in search of Trumpkin when he heard people talking. He froze, knowing that he would be attending any meetings that would be in there and knowing that people would be fluttering after him if he were missing at the meeting. Slowly, he crept toward the door and then cracked it open. There, he saw a sprawl of people on the floor, and they seemed to be talking. However, he could only see their backs. Quickly he unsheathed his sword and entered. "Who are you, and why have you entered this room?" he demanded, his voice echoing in the large room.
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