After Return of the King

Mar didn't let him go.
" Merry don't ever leave us again,"She told him

Eastà look up at her father.
" Daddy mammy crying,"She said.


Merry looked up at the Elf,

"Do not cry, Lady Mar. I intend to stay for as long as time allows. Safe with my dear friends...."

He paused a moment, looking down at Easta, Pippin, and Frodo, then continued,

"And family."
She smiled.
"Oh I was worried,"She said,
She didn't let him go she kept him close to her chest.

East place her tiny chin on his shoulder.
" Why is Mommy crying Daddy?,"She ask.
She laugh.
" Oh no Merry you don't have to I can live you,"She told him.,
She look down at her hands then look back up at him.
" I mean if you don't mind,"She said.
She laugh.
" Oh no Merry you don't have to I can live you,"She told him.,
She look down at her hands then look back up at him.
" I mean if you don't mind,"She said.


Merry smiled, feeling a wave of relief run throughout him,

"Of course, Mistress Mar. The doors of Brandy Hall are always open to you."

Looking down at Easta, Merry continued,

"And to you too, dear little one."
Kasey grasped Frodo's hand and smiled. Bryan finally came back but he wasn't alone.

Arla turned around when she heard him. "Kas!" she exclaimed running over to the other elf and hugging him.
"Hey Arla." Kas said hugging her back. "Great to see you."

"You too." she said returning to Merry.

Bryan and Kas sat down by the tree and spoke to one another in elvish.
"Hey Arla." Kas said hugging her back. "Great to see you."

"You too." she said returning to Merry.

Bryan and Kas sat down by the tree and spoke to one another in elvish.


For the first in what seemed like a very long time, Merry heard the clear sound of Arla's voice ring out through the air. Suddently memories of the past times they had shared before his capture began to flood back into his mind. He gazed up at her then said, with a soft smile,

"Arla.. I'm glad to see you again."


Frodo smiled down at Merry as he greeted the Lady Elf,

"As are we joyful to see you again, Merry. We were all bitterly afraid of losing you."


Pippin nodded in responce to Frodo's remark,

"Indeed. I'm afraid I would of been lost without my good ol' cousin to keep me in line."

Pippin smiled brightly, relieved that his best friend was safe and sound in their care.
Mar sighed.
" You still in love with her aren't you?,"She ask,
She got and walk way with more treas rolling down her cheeks.


Merry watched with surprise as the saddened Elf arose to leave,

"Mar... I..." ,his voice trailed off.

He could not deny he felt something for her Lady Arla. He looked down, regreting the fact he had caused Mar pain. He had not meant for this to happen or to be taken that way. But there was just something unmistakable in Merry's eyes, when speaking with Arla.


Frodo turned his head to the side, clearly thinking over the situation that stood before his eyes. He wanted to say something but found that no words would come. This was something between Merry and the others. Frodo played no part in this.
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Mar felt like to kill herself now if told him how she really feel now she know how he really feels.
" Why did I told him he can be Eastà father!?,"She ask herself,
sh e still had treas rolling down her cheeks her face was bright red with angry.

"What is the matter with her?" ,questioned the oblivious Pippin, as he gestured towards the now distant Mar.


Merry was silent a moment,

"It's nothing, Pip."

He smiled weakly, hoping to reassure his cousin of the situation.
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