another harry potter rpg but its different

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She look at him.
" I've never made fun of you ever in my life," she saidplaceing her wand in her hands,
she look at him with a smirk" yes I do in fact," she said raiseing an eye brow.
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"Have to! You're like an older sister I never wanted. And you should know he's close "friends" with Lord Voldemort then."
She laugh
" OK you right I have and why thank you I just doing my job," she said still holding her wand in her hand,
" if I really care I let you know," she saidwith an evil laugh.
she petted his head.
" it's my job making fun of you now now you know me better then that," she said cicleing him,
she was enjoying this.
" you little fool don't mass with me right now all right,?" she said with a seaky laugh.
ooc- so far stella has been asked to the dance by draco cho is about to be asked to the dance by harry now stella is in the ravenclaw common room
ooc:kay, thanks.:D

Hermione was sitting out in the courtyard. She saw Bradley walking up happy as a clam. "Hello Bradley. What are you so happy about?"
Bradley said, "Hello Hermione. I've just finally decided to as Stella to the ball."
"Didn't you hear? Draco asked her."
"Draco asked Stella to the ball."
Bradley's smile was completely gone. "What did she say?"
Hermione shrugged. "I don't know. How should I know? We're not friends or anything." She became short with Bradley.
"Where is she now?"
"In the ravenclaw common room I think."
Bradley went in that direction, though he didn't know what he would say when he saw Stella.
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