another harry potter rpg but its different

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She nod.
" yes we are or are you scaired to go?," she said in her baby voice then laugh,
she pulled him in the doors there was Mirrors all around the walls.
"Huh. I didn't know this room was here." Bradley looked at Gretchen. "But you probably didn't bring me here to talk about this room, did you?" He sat down next to her.
She shook her head.
" no I didn't did I now?," she said crossing her arms looking at him with a frown,
she put her wand in her right pocket.
" I need to know if you really like her or you just think you do," she said getting up with both hands on her hips.
Bradley was shocked by this question. "Gretchen..." He sighed. "I really do like her. Or, I did. I don't know what to make of things any more." He looked at her oddly. "Why does it matter so much to you?"
Bradley didn't know what to say. When Gretchen said that, his heart was being torn in two different directions. He slowly got up, and stood behind Gretchen. He put his hands on her shoulders. "Are you doing anything for hogsmeade tomorrow?"
She look at him odd.
" wait hold up are you saying like on a Date?," she ask with a half smile on her face,
she didn't even been on a date with any one before.
Bradley laughed. "I'll pick you up outside the Slytherin common room tomorrow and ten. But now I have to get to my next class." He walked over to the bench and picked up his things. Then he went over to Gretchen, and kissed her cheek. "See you tomorrow." Then he left.
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