Does that mean you think Toodles has a good case against you, or that you don't find him interesting enough to bother with?
Is it...too late?
Do Telmarines have one shadow or two?
Hey, who turned out the lights?
What's the point?
Why is the sky blue? Why not a different color?
Why me?
It Never Was on Netflix.
Toodles keeps calling me, in tears, because he thinks you aren't interested in him. Or, to use his phraseology, "He believes that I am an Epicurean philistine and therefore unworthy of his concern." Can you please calm him down? He's your mad buffalo, after all, and I'm tired of the constant phone calls.
That is not true. Why are you lying to me?
Why don't you like Toodles?
How come the first time the Telmarberry question was asked you said you juiced it by throwing it against a badger's teeth but this time you said it was done with a juicer?
When did you admit that you are a Duffer?
So if I ended up in the generally Western area over Spring break would we go over this whole "I might drop in and see you" thing again?
Why do cats have such sharp claws if they're so cuddly?
Do you swear your allegiance to Telmar or Narnia?
When did you admit that you are a Duffer?
Am I a Duffer?
No matter what he says, he has admitted it before....
And, Mike, Toodles argues that this book is proof that cats are unethical.
Probably not... I'm returning to the Promised Land (Indiana).
Also, Toodles fails to realize that that book is a work of fiction. I'm currently writing How to Tell If Your Buffalo Is Plotting to Kill You; incidentally, it's nonfiction.