Attention-Deficit Roleplaying

Cap looked over and noticed the Sherlock Holmes from the two mroe recent films sitting in a corner, grinning mithruflly. Cap raised an eyebrow and said,

"Has any one told you that you bare a striking resemblance to Tony Stark?"
King Arthur happened to show up randomly again, this time standing next to a lake while staring at a picture of Guinevere he kept conveniently in his wallet, when suddenly a 20 year old Merlin came running up to him with world-shaking news!!
"ARTHUR!!!, They're making a Veronica Mars MOVIE!!!!!!"
Arthur rolled his eyes, sighed and looked up from his wallet. "That's nice, Merlin. You can go see that one without me."
Then, Merlin ran off to tell Gawaine, who was ecstatic at the idea, and jumped up and down like a girl while screaming, "WOOHOO!!!"
A dozen or so of the currently fashionable super-chicks gathered around: the sort who are allowed by scriptwriters to demolish fifty or sixty mere males at a time. One of these, "Kensi" from "N.C.I.S. Los Angeles," asked the young Merlin, "Is this Veronica Mars anyone we would find interesting?"
The 20 year old Merlin (who was still grinning like a hyper-active ten year old) said, "Probably! She's a female detective!!"
Meanwhile, Arthur was still rolling his eyes, this time joined by Lancelot and Galahad who were also rolling their eyes.
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"No, but she's smart!!" Just then, the twenty-ONE year old Merlin appeared out of some kind of time-warp, slapped his younger counterpart, and tossed him back into the time-warp. "Don't mind young me, he hasn't grown up yet."
Kensi did not get eaten like most would expect. She actually adapted very quickly and tamed many of the dinosaurs, later becoming the founder of the city of Bedrock. She was Fred Flintstone's Great-Great Grandmother.
Then it just so happened that a disgruntled Allosaurus was running amok through Hollywood, gobbling up sparkly vampires every time he saw them, giving a roar of laughter with every swallow. Why? He was angered by the fact that they didn't let him into any of the first three Jurassic Park films, and that eating sparkly vampires helped him to feel better.
As the Allosaurus took a bite out of Edward Cullen he declared, "Ha, ha, ha, ha! Mine is an evil laugh. Now die!"

Meanwhile a group of Twihards hatched a plan to steal the DeLorean time machine from Dr. Emmet Brown and Marty McFly in hopes of going back in time to add Sparkly vampires and warewovles with 6 gazillion abbs to every work of literature, starting with the epic of Gilgamesh.
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Meanwhile, the man called Deeks in "N.C.I.S. Los Angeles," deprived of the presence of Kensi, discovered to his great relief that he actually was able to tie his own shoes without a supreme infallible omnipotent superwoman to tell him how to do it.
Prince Valiant of Thule drove up in a 1967 Mustang with his friend Arn riding shotgun and Rowanne in the back seat, and asked Deeks, "Hey, do you know the way to Camelot? I got a little turned around when Rowanne here had to stop to pick sunflowers."
"They're for archery practice!" The pretty blonde girl in the backseat complained.
Valiant memorized the directions, thanked Deeks, then drove off. Unfortunately, they ended up lost again later simply because Rowanne wouldn't stop talking.

Marty McFly showed up in the DeLorean WITHOUT Doc Brown, and the first person he saw was The Grey Eagle! Frantic, Marty ran to the super hero and said, "Grey Eagle, you gotta help me! I lost track of Doc and the timeline has been altered so that sexy vampires are going to take over the world TOMORROW! AND THEY GOT JENNIFER! She just won't stop reading Twilight and she even broke up with me because of her newfound obsession with Edward Cullen!!"
Greyeagle told Marty, "You ahve a time machine .Why not go back in time and stop Twilight from getting published?"

Marty took this advice and went back in time and appeared to Stephanie Meyers as Darth Vader from Planet Vulcan and told her that if she published her books, he would melt her brains .She took his advice and destroyed every draft of Twilight effectively erasing it from existence
Grey Eagle rejoiced at Marty's success. But neutralizing Mrs. Meyer did not completely eliminate the plague of sexy-vampire nonsense. As long as dopey kids imagined it was cool to be a selfish parasite who regarded human beings as groceries.... as long as this juvenile fantasy was exalted ABOVE the respect which was deserved by those who CONTRIBUTED something to mankind.... the Grey Eagle's fight would never be finished.