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a note briskly tapped Kiera on the shoulder from the seet behind her. the hand seemed impatiant to get rid of the paper as it wated for her to take it.

Kiera turned looked behind her, a quizzical look on her face. She looked to the front to make sure the Professor wasn't looking. She took the note from the anxious hand, and faced the front once more...
OK I am making a Collage RPG profile thread so that we all can post our profiles on there. people are joining and I think It would be a good idea to have a thread just for the profiles to keep them in one place.
NAME: Angel green
AGE: 21
school: whatever school you all go to (lol)
bio: Angel is like the original girly-girl. but she isn't a prep. She loves pastel colors like this this and this She loves painting flowers and is studing to be a fashon designer.
looks: blonde hair, pale skin, blue eyes. tall. skinny.
Kiera turned looked behind her, a quizzical look on her face. She looked to the front to make sure the Professor wasn't looking. She took the note from the anxious hand, and faced the front once more...

The note had bold black gothic looking letters printed across it outlined in deep red, it read "Stay away newby. Trust me."
The note had bold black gothic looking letters printed across it outlined in deep red, it read "Stay away newby. Trust me."

Kiera stared at the note, then urned around to see who it could've come from...
Stay Away? From what? And Why? Who gave me this? She shook her head as all these thoughts shot through her mind...
Chez didn't look down at the pair of inquisitive eyes but stared strait ahead at the professor. a dark smirk crossed his lips. One down five to go. He thought to himself. He let his hand lay on his desk so the bottom side of his wrist could be seen there was a tattoo that no one could have missed it read “Defiance”
As soon as the bell rang, and the Professor dismissed class , Kiera gathered her books, though stopped by the Professor. "I'm sorry I was late. I swear it won't happen again." she said, after everyone had left. The Professor nodded his head. "You should find it best that it doesn't..." he said, and Kiera knew she was dismissed. She left the classroom in a rage....
Chaz watched her closely. His eyes peering up from behind his gelled down hair. just as she was turning the corner to leave class he was standing right there. Intimidation was his only protection and she didn't seem to have taken bate in class so this was necessary
Kiera turned out of the door, running straight into someone. She sighed, not saying anything, though picking up a book that had fallen from her hands, and she looked at who she had ran into. "Who are you?" she asked.
Chaz stared at her for a second. "No one you want to deal with and trust me." He replied his voice deep, dark, yet somehow sad. he locked his jaw. there was something more to this young man than he let on.
Chaz stared at her for a second. "No one you want to deal with and trust me." He replied his voice deep, dark, yet somehow sad. he locked his jaw. there was something more to this young man than he let on.

"Right, and why is that?" she asked. Unlike most people, who would run away instantly, she stood her ground, not flinching or anything. Through the hair that dangled in front of his face, she could tell there was something, but she couldn't say what....
Chaz didn’t know exactly what to say but this had never happened to him. In two years every person had been freaked out of their wits but this girl...she was a lioness. “Just ask anyone on campus. Don’t push me. You really don’t want to get to know me. It’s a fact.” his tone turned from cool and intimidating to almost angry. This chick was pushing in too close for comfort something he hadn’t had in a long time.
Kiera stood there, and she could tell that he was getting angry...and annoyed. so, she did what he wasn't expecting. She kept pushing. "And why don't people want to know you?" she asked, but then coach Bishop came up to her, looking suspiciously to Chez. "Kiera, soccer drills, now." he said, knowing very well what reputation Chez had. With a final look to Chez, she walked past him, heading towards her locker, grabbing her soccer gear as she headed to the locker room, and then to soccer warm-up.
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After a couple hours in the library Sarah realized it was time for one of her classes. She went to her English class.

ooc:Sorry it wasn't very long. Just wanted to say something.:D
Coach Bishop stood on the sidelines as the soccer team's Individual Training Week started. Each player would have a session of training with the coach privately. Kiera, right now, was doing drills, kicking the ball in between cones, around cones, into small targets, and the such. Soon, after Kiera finished running laps, Bishop stopped her. "Why were you hanging out with Chez?" he asked. Kiera looked at him quizzically. "Why does it concern you?" she asked, her English accent beginning to heat up. Bishop shrugged. "Because, he warns people not to be around him for a reason."
"Well, maybe he's lying to don't know that."
"I know enough to-"
"Will you shut it? You know nothing at all. No one does. He doesn't allow it. But that'll change..." she said, and Bishop boiled over.
"Laps, now."
"How many, Coach?" Kiera asked, her voice now filled with anger.
So, she began, as Bishop left the field....
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"No," Nick replied with a smile,"I'm a Sophomore, but people tend to assume that I have been here a lot longer than that because I know a lot of people here." switching his bags from one hand to the other he asked, "Where you from?"

"I'm from Tennessee," Adina said as she brushed some hair out of her face. "where are you from?" She asked as she switched her books to her other hand.
"I'm from here borne and bred." Nick said with a chuckle, “My parents are faculty members here and have been for the past 26 years." this was different. No one really talked to him other than his parents’ friends and his roomies. It was a pleasant change but an unexpected one all the same. "So what is your next class?"
Tyra arrived in her dorm, which she was supposed to be sharing with somebody. Whoever that could be, she thought. She heaved her heavy suitcase onto her bed and sighed. She was finally here. College.
"I'm from here borne and bred." Nick said with a chuckle, “My parents are faculty members here and have been for the past 26 years." this was different. No one really talked to him other than his parents’ friends and his roomies. It was a pleasant change but an unexpected one all the same. "So what is your next class?"

Adina got her class scedual out of her pocket, "my next class is advanced pysics"she said looking at the paper. She looked up at him, "what's your next class?"
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