CoN:LWW Spoof (NEW)

Hahahahahahaha:D! I love this so much! I would pay to see this in a movie theater.

haha, it's funny you say that, because I was thinking about actually making the movie with my cousins.:D
95% chance it wont happen, but it's fun to dream. ;)
This is so good XD I don't know how you're going to do the Stone Table scene though? :eek: I mean, it's kinda impossible to make fun of Aslan dying.
The spoof is amazingly funny!! just finished reading it and can't wait for more!!!! ROTFL!!!! LOVE the lines with Ed! :D

This is so good XD I don't know how you're going to do the Stone Table scene though? :eek: I mean, it's kinda impossible to make fun of Aslan dying.

Umm...didn't IOWW mention somewhere before that she wasn't going to do that scene, because of that reason? :p

Heh...I was thinking about making a low-budged (ha, more like zero) parody of the LWW, and decided, if we ever tried anything like that, that the Stone Table scene would be left out a sence, due to that reason. It wouldn't be right, for one thing....
This is so good XD I don't know how you're going to do the Stone Table scene though? :eek: I mean, it's kinda impossible to make fun of Aslan dying.

Yeah, that was a question I had way in the beginning when I first started writing this. It is impossible to make anything in that scene funny, so quite frankly, I'm not going to try.
Yeah, that was a question I had way in the beginning when I first started writing this. It is impossible to make anything in that scene funny, so quite frankly, I'm not going to try.
Sounds like a plan. But then all plays/movies have seriouse bits. And that is the very seriouse bit.
Yeah, that was a question I had way in the beginning when I first started writing this. It is impossible to make anything in that scene funny, so quite frankly, I'm not going to try.

Are you going to mention it but not show it? Yeah,I don`t see how somebody could make that scene funny.
Are you planning to make another part soon? I don`t think I can last much longer without reading some more of this. This spoof is just so brilliant.
Are you planning to make another part soon? I don`t think I can last much longer without reading some more of this. This spoof is just so brilliant.

Sorry, Office. I'm currently in Colorado at a softball tourny, so writing another part isn't going to happen until next week.


I might surprise you with something much sooner than that... ;)
wow i love this as do my brothers, keep it up but remember that as Aslan represents Our Saviour he deserves special respect. Thanks, Telcontargirl
Part 16

Wow. I haven't updated or been on here in a long time. :eek: I feel bad. So here's an update. :)

Part 16

Aslan: *walks out of camp silently, but not silently enough to evade the super ears of Lucy Pevensie*

Lucy: Aslan? Susan, Aslan is leaving camp!

Susan: *yawns* He’s probably just hungry…he did a lot of work today.

Lucy: No, Susan, I think we should follow him.

Susan: Okay, okay. *yawns*

Lucy and Susan: *follow Aslan*

*A few minutes later*

Aslan: Susan, Lucy, go back to camp.

Lucy: *pops out from behind a tree* Aw, but we want to stay with you!

Susan: *puts down palm tree leaf she was hiding behind* Yeah, Aslan, we can’t sleep.

Aslan: Alright, dear ones. You can follow me up to a certain point, but then we need to part ways.

Lucy: Okay, Aslan.

Susan: You’ve got a deal.

*A few more minutes later*

Aslan: Okay, now you guys need to go back.

Lucy: Why?

Aslan: Because, I have something to take care of, and the two of you can’t come with me.

Susan: Come on Lucy, we can go back.

Lucy: *pouty face* Okay…*turns slowly and looks even more sad*

Aslan: Sorry, Lucy, but the puppy dog eyes aren’t going to work on me.

Lucy: Aww, man. Okay, bye, Aslan!

Aslan: *runs off*

Susan: Okay, lets go.

Lucy: Wait, Susan, do you hear that?

Susan: Hear what?

Licy: That sound! It sounds like shouting, growling, hissing, and other scary things all at the same time!

Susan: Oh, you’re just paranoid because it’s late and we’re in a dark forest. There can‘t possibly be a noise that comp- oh my gosh, what was that noise?!?

Lucy: I told you! It’s coming from over here! *runs to a little hill where there’s an opening in the trees*

Susan: Lucy! *follows*

Hideous creatures: *appear to be having a frat party*

Susan: What are they doing down there?

Lucy: I’m not sure…they’re terrifying!

Susan: Look! Aslan!

Aslan: *Walks calmly down the center of the group*

Lucy: What is he doing?

Susan: Probably breaking up the party. They’re awfully loud.

Creatures: *begin attacking Aslan*

Lucy: NO! Why isn’t he fighting back?

Susan: Oh no! I don’t know!

Aslan: *Is tied to the stone table*

Jadis: *Appears* Well, well, Aslan. Look who’s finally won.

Aslan: Not you.

Jadis: *laughs* Oh yes I have! You’re going to die in a few seconds, and I’m going to live on and kill the rest of the Pevensies!

Aslan: Yeah, yeah, believe what you want, but I’ll be back.

Jadis: That’s not possible!

Spanish speaking creature near by: No es posible!

Aslan: I’m Aslan. I created possible and impossible.

Jadis: …*sweat drop* Um…well…I…

Aslan: You should know by now Jadis, I am the epitome of awesome. Besides, what kind of movie would this be if I died? It wouldn’t make a cent.

Jadis: I think it’d be a good movie!

Aslan: Yeah, well you also thought making your castle out of ice was a good idea…now look at it: it’s a huge puddle. And I know you don’t have flood insurance, so you’re basically out of luck. Haven’t you heard the story of the three little pigs? You’re pretty much the big bad wolf AND the first two pigs combined.

Jadis: Bu- how did you know I don’t have insurance?

Aslan: I’m ASLAN. I created insurance!

Jadis: Stop it! I’m tired of you knowing everything!

Aslan: I know you are.

Jadis: STOP IT! It’s time for you to die!

Aslan: I’ll see you tomorrow then.

Jadis: *stabs Aslan*

Lucy and Susan: NO!!!!!!!!!

(The following scene of Susan and Lucy crying and Jadis rejoicing I couldn’t possibly make funny. So, just picture it normally.)

*Back at Aslans Camp*

Peter: *snores*

Edmund: *sleep talking* Wha-I said no mayonnaise! No Mayonnaise!!!

Dryad: *floats into the tent*

Edmund: *wakes up* AH! FLOWER CREATURE! *falls out of bed*

Peter: *draws sword somehow while still laying in hammock* What do you want?

Dryad: Be calmed, Sons of Adam. I bring you terrible news.

Peter: What news, flower creature?

Dryad: I’m a dryad.

Peter: That’s the terrible news?

Dryad: …No. The terrible news is that Aslan has been killed.

Peter and Edmund: WHAT!?

Dryad: He gave his life to spare Edmunds. So, Edmund, don’t feel bad or anything, but he’s basically dead because of you.

Edmund: Gee…thanks.

Dryad: Now, I must depart. Us Dryads are having one last flower power party before Jadis’s army destroys everything. *leaves*

*A few minutes later*

Peter and Edmund: *stand around a table with General Oreius*

Peter: I don’t know…it’s kind of a Risk, isn’t it?

Edmund: That’s the point, Peter!

Peter: I just don’t know if I can risk sending a cavalry…the army is threatened from all sides but one, it’s extremely vulnerable.

Edmund: Peter, just make a decision.

Peter: *thinks*…hmmm…

Edmund: *Waits*

General Oreius: *waits*

Peter: Okay, I’ll claim Australia.

General Oreius: Darn it! I wanted Australia!

Edmund: Way to go Peter!

(OOC: See the Board Game “Risk” ;).)

General Oreius: Okay, I think we need to really get down to business now. Jadis’s army is moving in quick. Do we fight, or flee?

Peter: Well…

Edmund: What would Aslan do?

Peter: Fight! We must fight! For ASLAN!

Edmund: Well, that was an easy decision.

General Oreius: It took him longer to decide on a board game that it did in real life…

Edmund: Should we be scared?

Peter: Stop it, you two. I can’t fight her alone. *looks at General Oreius* Will you fight with me?

General Oreius: Of course. Anything for Aslan. As long as I can record High School Musical 2 before we go, I’ve watched that movie almost a million times. I love Disney!

Peter: Of course You can! I love Disney, too! So, We’re All in this Together?

Edmund: Yeah, we can Work This Out.

General Oreius: What Time Is It?

Peter: About 8 A.m. Now, I’m going to warn you, there may come a time in the battle where I Gotta Go My Own Way.

Edmund: Knowing you, We can Bet On It.

General Oreius: For sure, Everyday!

Peter: Yeah? Well…I Don’t Dance!

General Oreius and Edmund: *stare*

Peter: What?

General Oreius: You totally just killed it.

Peter: Well, You Are The Music In Me!

Edmund: Please. Stop.

Peter: Hasta La Vista!

General Oreius: That’s Camp Rock.

Peter: *sigh* Okay… Let’s go.

Edmund: *gets a sly grin* Fabulous!

Don't ask me where the High School Musical thing came from, I have no idea. lol, it just kind of happend. Hope you liked it. It's really hard to write around the sad parts.