CoN:LWW Spoof (NEW)

office said:
This story is awsome. Lol
Thanks. :D

I seem to have written alot and then not posted it, because I have one more full part and then another half finished part that I've forgotten

Part 6

Pevensie’s: *stare in awe*



Lucy: Told ya so!

Peter: I guess it’s too late to say we’re sorry?

Lucy: Maybe…* throws snowball at Peter*

Peter: Oh, your gonna get it now! * peter throws a snowball that hits Lucy square in the face*

Random Audience Member: Ow, don’t you think that would hurt?

Another Random Audience Member: Definitely.

Yet another Random Audience Member: Shut up, I’m trying to watch!


Susan, Lucy and Peter: *ensue with snowball war*

Edmund: *Is slowly walking away*

Susan: ENEMY SPOTTED! *chucks snowball at Edmund*

Edmund: HEY! Stop being stupid.

Peter: *suddenly realizes something* You little liar!

Edmund: What? You are being stupid!

Peter: I meant Narnia you idiot!

Edmund: Oh…right…well you see…


Edmund: Alright! I’m sorry…

Susan: Well, it’s great that we’ve traveled to a new world that probably nobody else but us will ever see. So lets leave.

Lucy: Go back? We just got here.

Peter: I think Lucy should decide.

Lucy: Let’s go see Mr. Tumnus!

Peter: Mr. Tumnus it is then. Come on lets go.

Susan: well we can’t go in these clothes! We’ll freeze!

Peter: Okay then…hold on. * grabs coats from the wardrobe*

Susan: But that’s stealing!

Peter: Technically it’s not leaving the wardrobe.

Susan: Good point.

Peter: *Throws coat to Edmund*

Edmund: Hey! This coat is black! You know how black makes me look fat!

Susan: *rolls eyes*

Edmund: And it’s a girls coat!

Peter: I know.

Edmund: But I’m not a girl! Do I come off as a girl to you?

Peter: No comment.

Edmund: *death glare*

Lucy: Come on lets go!

Pevensie’s: *go*

5 minutes later…

Lucy: It’s so wonderful! It has a little door and comfy chairs! And his tea is fabulous! Though it always makes me go to sleep suddenly-*sees Tumnus’s thrashed door* *is shocked*

Susan: what happened?

Peter: Does it look like I know?

Lucy: Runs to Mr. Tumnus’s cave*

Peter and group: *chase after her*

Lucy: *arrives in Tumnus’s cave* Oh no…

Peter: What happened here?

Susan: Oh, so when I ask it, I’m stupid. But when you ask it everything’s alright?

Peter: yes.

Susan: Fine.

Peter: *sees paper on post* Hey, what’s this?

Edmund: * is hiding in corner*

Peter: Tumnus has aided a human- blah blah blah- treason- white witch…signed the Secret Police…and a paw print.

Lucy: *GASP*

Susan: Okay, now we really have to go!

Lucy: But what about Tumnus? It’s my fault he got arrested!

Susan: Well…it sucks to be him then. Now come on.

Peter: *is still staring at paper*

Susan: What is it Peter?

Peter: I just don’t understand…how could the policeman have paws? And if he has paws…how did he nail this sign into the wood?

Susan: That’s not important right now! LET’S GO!

Lucy: Peter, please! We have to help Tumnus!

Peter: Lucy’s right. We have to help him.

Bird: Psst.

Susan: *looks out the door* What on earth was that?

Bird: PSST.

Susan: There it is again!


Susan: *spots bird* Oh, did he just ‘psst’ us?

Peter: I think he did more that psst us…lets follow it.

Susan: Follow it? It’s a bird!

Peter: Shut up, fool.

Pevensie’s: *follow bird*

Peter: Hey…it’s gone.

Susan: Oh, and would you look at that! We’re LOST!

Beaver: Comes from nowhere*

Susan: It’s a…beaver…

Peter: No! Really?* makes weird clicking sounds and sticks hand out to beaver*

Audience member: Who ‘clicks’ like that?

Another Audience member: Beats me.

Beaver: Yo, yo, yo, I ain’t gonna smell that thing, yo, if that’s what you want, yo.

Edmund: It’s a rapping beaver!

Beaver: Word! Now follow me, ya’ll. Before the Po-Po come ‘n find us!

Pevensie’s: *Follow beaver*
Rhyanidd said:
A bit? Thats the understatment of the MILLENIA! A lot..still an understatement
I, I'm bad. :rolleyes: :D

I forgot how hard it was to write it...haha...I'm halfway through part 7, but it isn't that great. :rolleyes:
Rhyanidd said:
But In Lieke's thing-ma-bob she says you don't spam, I thought something was skewwy with that
what? :confused: what did i do this time? :p

but Chels, i love your spoof, i think i've read all those parts before, and i completely love the part with the bird psst-ing:D and all the audience people... can't wait for the next part:D