CoN:LWW Spoof (NEW)

*IOWW the Iasc* said:
Mrs. Beaver: Sit sit everyone!

Everyone: *try to find a chair at the small table*

Edmund: *doesn’t sit down*

Susan: Edmund, get over here.

Edmund: No!

Peter: Would you just get over here and sit!

Edmund: You can’t make me!

Lucy: Stop being Emo.

Edmund: *no comment*


Mrs. Beaver: No. If there were do you think we’d ask you? You act like you know everything.

Susan: He- Nah, you’re right…

Peter: You can say that again…

Susan: *death glare*

Mr. Beaver: Anyway, you *points at Peter*, You * points at Susan*, You *points at Lucy, and Y- hey! Where’d the un-social one go?


Mr. Beaver: And did he have remnants of Turkish delight on his mouth?

Lucy: Hwy…yes He did!

Peter: wow…that’s really…wow…

Susan: Are you like a registered stalker or something?

Mr. beaver: I like to call it Selective walking…


Peter: I’m gonna kill him!

Susan: Oh, he hasn’t done anything bad yet! For all we know, he could be freezing to death in a ditch somewhere! We’ve got to get him!

Peter: I’ll still kill him…

Lucy: Geez…Did we forget your happy pills at home?

Peter: Shush.

Simply magnificent. Happy Pills. I loved it. :D The emo part was my favorite, I have to admit.. LOL.
oneofthepevensies said:
oops sorry. sometimes i'm a little unpatient... :D
It's alright. It tells me people want to read

*still trying*

EDIT: Woo! OKay, it's only 2 and a half pages, but, it's Here you go.

Part 8

Everyone: *seem to magically appear in front of the White witches castle*

Susan: Do you see him?

Peter: *uses his amazing bionic vision to zoom in on the front of the castle* Yes! There he is!

Lucy: Where’s he going?

Peter: EDMUND!

Mr. Beaver: Are you trying to get us all killed???

Edmund: *stops because he thinks he hears something* Hmm…It’s rather chilly over here…maybe I should go ba-HEY! Oohh….It’s shiny in here!*continues onward*

Susan: What are we going to do now??

Peter, the person who less than 15 lines ago said he was going to kill Edmund: I’m going to go save Edmund.

Mr. Beaver: *dramatic scream* NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! You’re no good to Narnia dead!

Peter: True…

Susan: Then how can we save him?

Lucy: *is crying*

Mr. Beaver: Only Aslan can save him now…

Peter: Take me to him…

Mr. Beaver: heh heh…those reverse psychology classes are really starting to help..

Peter: What was that?

Mr. beaver: nothing…come on, lets get ready. They’re bound to come after us soon.

Susan: Oh, joy.

*Inside the Castle*

Edmund: * is obviously not troubled with the amazingly life-like frozen things scattered around the courtyard*

Statue: *sits there*

Another statue: *sits there*

Yet another statue:* sneezes*

Edmund: What was that?!

Yet another statue: *freezes*

Edmund: *Sees one of the statues is a lion* Heh heh, I hope this is Aslan…*draws on face with ashes* *gets bored and continues walking*

Maugrim: *finds himself underneath Edmunds foot* Ow, HEY! What’s your problem? Growl! Grr! Growl!

Edmund: *yells* Sorry! I’m looking for the Queen!

Maugrim: * obviously can’t tell that Edmund is human* The Queen isn’t seeing any visitors. Now leave before I rip out your throat…

Audience member: Wow…and this is a family movie?

Another audience member: Shut up I’ trying to watch the movie! *throws popcorn*

Edmund: But I’m a son of Adam!

Maugrim: *finally realizes Edmund is human* OH…I’ll go get her.

Edmund: *sees throne* Ooh…a throne….I’m going to go sit on it. It obviously doesn’t belong to anyone important. *sits on throne*

Jadis: *appears* Edmund….I’ve missed you…*totally fake mother smile*

Edmund: Jadis!

Jadis: tell me Edmund…um…is there anyone beside you?

Edmund: *looks beside him* Um….is this a trick question?

Jadis: No, no dear…I just want to know if there’s anybody beside you.

Edmund: well…if you count Billy…

Jadis: Billy?

Edmund: Yeah, Billy. My imaginary friend.

Jadis: Huh? Okay look, you don’t have your siblings with you, and I am terribly disappointed!

Edmund: You are?

Jadis: No, I’m lying.

Edmund: OH, okay…

Jadis: I’m TERRIBLY UPSET WITH YOU!!!!!*Grr scary face*

Edmund: Sorry! They wouldn’t listen to me!

Jadis: All I asked of you was to bring your siblings here so I can ki- uh, I mean, treat them to some tea and crumpets.

Edmund: You have tea and crumpets? Do you have enough for Billy and I?

Jadis: NO! I’m going to kill you!

Edmund: You’re going to Kill me??!?!

Jadis: No I’m not, I’m just kidding.

Edmund: *sigh of relief* phew…

Jadis: Ginnabrik is going to kill you.

Edmund: *gets knife put at his throat and is thrown into a dungeon…of ice…obviously…* AHHH! NO PLEASE! LET ME GO LET ME GO!

Ginnabrik: ahksjdiuabdiuashdkajsghiuasbdia! skjdfhiusdbiausd.

Edmund: I'm sorry...what was that?

Ginnabrik: *ahem ahem* Like she's going to do that! Now quiet with you!

Edmund: *frowns* Okay....But Jadis I love you!

Jadis: Go away!

Edmund: Okay...*goes away*

Jadis: I meant into the dungeon!

Edmund: *goes into the dungeon*

Jadis: *sigh* I need chocolate…
Last edited:
*IOWW the Iasc* said:
Susan: Do you see him?

Peter: *uses his amazing bionic vision to zoom in on the front of the castle* Yes! There he is!

Lucy: Where’s he going?

Peter: EDMUND!

Mr. Beaver: Are you trying to get us all killed???

Edmund: *stops because he thinks he hears something* Hmm…It’s rather chilly over here…maybe I should go ba-HEY! Oohh….It’s shiny in here!*continues onward*

Susan: What are we going to do now??

Peter, the person who less than 15 lines ago said he was going to kill Edmund: I’m going to go save Edmund.


Mr. Beaver: heh heh…those reverse psychology classes are really starting to help..


Edmund: * is obviously not troubled with the amazingly life-like frozen things scattered around the courtyard*

Statue: *sits there*

Another statue: *sits there*

Yet another statue:* sneezes*

Edmund: What was that?!

Yet another statue: *freezes*

Edmund: *Sees one of the statues is a lion* Heh heh, I hope this is Aslan…*draws on face with ashes* *gets bored and continues walking*

Maugrim: *finds himself underneath Edmunds foot* Ow, HEY! What’s your problem? Growl! Grr! Growl!

Edmund: *yells* Sorry! I’m looking for the Queen!

Maugrim: * obviously can’t tell that Edmund is human* The Queen isn’t seeing any visitors. Now leave before I rip out your throat…

Audience member: Wow…and this is a family movie?

Another audience member: Shut up I’ trying to watch the movie! *throws popcorn*


Edmund: *sees throne* Ooh…a throne….I’m going to go sit on it. It obviously doesn’t belong to anyone important. *sits on throne*


Jadis: tell me Edmund…um…is there anyone beside you?

Edmund: *looks beside him* Um….is this a trick question?

Jadis: No, no dear…I just want to know if there’s anybody beside you.

Edmund: well…if you count Billy…

Jadis: Billy?

Edmund: Yeah, Billy. My imaginary friend.

Jadis: Huh? Okay look, you don’t have your siblings with you, and I am terribly disappointed!

Edmund: You are?

Jadis: No, I’m lying.

Edmund: OH, okay…

Jadis: I’m TERRIBLY UPSET WITH YOU!!!!!*Grr scary face*

Edmund: Sorry! They wouldn’t listen to me!

Jadis: All I asked of you was to bring your siblings here so I can ki- uh, I mean, treat them to some tea and crumpets.

Edmund: You have tea and crumpets? Do you have enough for Billy and I?

Jadis: NO! I’m going to kill you!

Edmund: You’re going to Kill me??!?!

Jadis: No I’m not, I’m just kidding.

Edmund: *sigh of relief* phew…

Jadis: Ginnabrik is going to kill you.


Jadis: Go away!

Edmund: Okay...*goes away*

Jadis: I meant into the dungeon!

Edmund: *goes into the dungeon*

Jadis: *sigh* I need chocolate…

Heehee! WHOOT FOR CHOCOLATE! I knew there was a reason I liked Jadis:p
M'kay, well a week with no internet + Alot of free time + Boredom = UPDATE!

Part 9

*in the middle of the woods*

Everybody: *is running*

Mr. Beaver: Hurry! There’s bound to be creatures after us!

Creatures: Hurry! There’s bound to be people were after!

Everybody: *arrives at the Beaver Dam*

Mrs. Beaver: *is packing*

Children: *are wandering around aimlessly*

Mr. Beaver: Come on Honey! There’s creatures after us!

Creatures: Hurry mates! There’s Beavers we’re after!

Mrs. Beaver: I’m just getting a few things! *packs everything but the kitchen sink. No, wait…she just packed that as well*

Maurgrim and friends: *Break the windows of the dam* Ruff! Ruff! Snarl! Snarl!

Mr. Beaver: Hurry lets go!

Everyone: *goes*

Maurgrim and friends: *break into the dam*

Friend 1: Hey…there’s nobody in here!

Friend 2: Yeah! Hey, Maurgrim, where’d they go?

Maurgrim: How am I supposed to know?

Friend 1: Well, you Are the leader after all…

Maurgrim: Don’t Back sass me!

Friend 1: How is that back sassing?

Maurgrim: You deliberately tried to make me mad! That’s how!

Friend 1: I didn’t deliberately do anything!

Friend 3: *out of the conversation* I feel very un-loved….

Friend 2: Hey Wolves! Look! An opening!

Maurgrim and friends: *go through hole in wall after our heroes*

Peter: *gets to hold the awesome torch* Hurry go!

Lucy & Susan: *start to run but can’t see a foot in front of them*

Susan: Hey, Genius. We can’t run if we can’t see. Go to the front and lead the way. You have the torch.

Peter: But, what if they catch up to us? I can fight them off! And I don’t want you getting eaten!

Susan: Alright then, you can try and be a hero, but, at least give me the torch so I can see where I’m going!

Peter: *hugs torch* No!

Susan: *rolls eyes* Fine! Keep the torch!

Peter: YAY!

Everyone: *resumes running*

Wolves: *still haven’t found them yet*

Our heroes: *emerge from a hole into a tiny little village*

Lucy: Air! Fresh Air! Hoora-huh?

Mr. Beaver: *looks sadly at a statue*

Peter: wow, that’s a fantastic sculpture.

Mr. Beaver: It’s not a sculpture! It’s my friend!

Peter: *whispers to Susan* And I thought Edmund had issues…

Mr. Beaver: I heard that! *glares* No…the White Witch turned him to stone…

Group: *gasp*

Fox: *appears* Hello Gents.

Lucy: *hears the voice* Prince Charming, Is that you?

Fox: *ahem* Not in this movie.

Lucy: *disappointed* Aww…

Mr. Beaver: What are you doing here!?

Fox: I’m going to help you.

Maurgrim and friends: *still haven’t gotten there yet*

Fox: Hide!

Everyone: *Hides*

Maurgrim and friends: *finally appear*

Friend 1: Hmm…where’d they go?

Friend 2: yeah, where’d they go Maurgrim?

Maurgrim: Would you stop asking me that!? I have no idea!

Wolves: *have obviously forgotten about their keen sense of smell*

Friend 1: hey look! It’s a fox! Let’s be bullies!

Fox: Good morning.

Maurgrim: Where are they Fox?

Fox: Whom are you referring to?

Maurgrim: *attacks the fox* You know very well whom.

Fox: *ow*

Maurgrim: *Attacks fox again*

Friend 1: The Chair! Give him the chair!

Fox: Alright, alright! I’ll tell you…They-they went north…

Maurgrim: *evil wolf smile* Excellent. *throws the fox against a tree* HAHA!

Maurgrim and friends: *run north*

Audience: *GASP* he just ratted them out!

Random Audience member: Let’s form an angry mob!

Audience: YEAH!

Pevensie’s & Beavers: *come out of tree safe*

Audience: *moan* Aww…man…

Audience member: *mutters* You got lucky this time Fox…*puts out torch and puts down pitchfork*

Lucy: Are you alright Mr. Fox?

Fox: Yeah, it’s just a bruise..*try’s standing up and fails* ow..

Lucy: Here, We’ll help you.

Everyone: *appear in front of a fire*

Fox: everyone, Guess what?

Everyone: What?

Fox: Nothing.

Everyone: …

Fox: Ha, Just kidding. Okay, so Aslan himself sent me on this quest to tell all the creatures of Narnia that he’s back.

Everyone: YAY!

Fox: And he’s at the Stone Table not too far from Cair Paravel!

Everyone: YAY!

Fox: Well, now that that information has been passed onto you, I must go an continue my trek.

Everyone: Okay then...bye bye!

Lucy: Don’t get turned to stone by that nasty witch!

Fox: Oh, don’t worry. I’m too sly, she’ll never turn me into stone.

Audience member: *whispers to neighbor* That fox obviously doesn’t know what happens in the next 5 minutes…


Until next
The Half-Blood Prince said:
Hey, could I be your friend? You just made my entire week. :D
lol, sure. Glad I made your week. :D

Lucy:Yeah, we really haven't, huh? I guess we'd have talked more If my internet wasn't down for forever... :rolleyes: :D haha, how you doin?
*IOWW the Iasc* said:
lol, sure. Glad I made your week. :D

Lucy:Yeah, we really haven't, huh? I guess we'd have talked more If my internet wasn't down for forever... :rolleyes: :D haha, how you doin?

I'm doing great! How are you doing? Do you still hate your coach?