CoN:LWW Spoof (NEW)

Aslan-and-friend said:
I men't when they meet Aslan.
OH, I don't know...I do everything on the spot, unless I thought of a brilliant idea for it...which, I haven'

Lucy the Marshwiggle said:
Chelsea darling, when are you going to continue this?

When I I've got a bad case of homework, softball practice, a missing Narnia DVD and Writers block...I'll take some of Lucy's cordial and get back to you on that. ;)

EVERYBODY: I'm trying! Honest! I've started part 10, but, starting it is all I've been able to do. :eek: adn I ahve to leave for softball practice in a half hour, so i can't exactly write it all now. I promise I'll have an update by Dec.1st ( this friday)
Aslan-and-friend said:
it's Friday! cool!:D
I feel really bad now...

I know I promised to have a new one, but, I can't finish it. I wont be home for the rest of the day... :eek:

I feel awful for breaking my promise, I'll try to finish the next part as soon as I can!
Lucy the Marshwiggle said:
*Shuns IOWW :p*

Just kidding. Take your time!
lol, no, go ahead. I deserve it. I made an empty promise.

I give you all permision to make voodoo dolls. You just have to promise to keep my apendiges on and usable. :)

I'll try to have it by the end of the weekend. I'm havign a lazy day tomorrow, so, it's a possibility. Plus, I just watched LWW, so I'm fresh with ideas.
Aslan-and-friend said:
when is the end of the weekend?
Now. :D

Part 10

Our heroes: *walking*

Lucy: Are we there yet?

Peter: Does it look like we’re their yet?

Lucy: Well…no…

Peter: Well, there ya go…

*At the Witches castle*

Edmund: *Sits freezing in the cell* It’s so coldd…

Audience member: Thank you, Mr. Obvious…

Another audience member: SHH!

Edmund: *grabs the bread and takes a bite* BLECH! This tastes like Susan’s cooking!

Susan’s ‘Edmund just insulted her cooking sense’: *tingles*

Edmund: *Throws down bread and tries to take a drink of water*

Water: *is frozen*

Edmund: Well, darn it!

Tumnus: Are...are you going to eat that?

Edmund: What, this? No, here…*hands Tumnus the bread that tastes like Susan’s cooking*

Susan’s ‘the narrator is making fun of my cooking sense’: *also tingles*

Tumnus: *eats like he hasn’t eaten in days*

Edmund: *looks at Tumnus* Whoa…what happened to you?

Tumnus: The Witch took me for helping-Hey! Are you Lucy’s brother?

Edmund: *nods*

Tumnus: IS she alright!? TELL ME SHE’S ALRIGHT!

Wolf: *howls manically in the background*

Edmund: I don’t know! I’m in here with you!

Jadis: *appears*

Edmund: H-hey queeny…what’s up?

Jadis: My wolves tore that dam apart…none of your little annoying family were found! WHERE DID THEY GO!?

Edmund: I don’t know! I left before they said anything like that!

Jadis: Well, then…I have no more use for you. *rears back with wand*

Edmund: WAIT!

Jadis: *waits*

Edmund: um…

Jadis: *still waiting*

Edmund: Hold on, it just slipped my mind…

Jadis: *sighs* Would you hurry u? I’ve got a pedicure scheduled in ten minutes…

Edmund: It’s on the tip of my tongue…Ugh! I hate when this happens…

Minotaur in the background: May I suggest trying not to think about it? It works for me.

Ginnabrik: Yes lajkshdoaihsslakdhaljshd.

Jadis: What did you say, Ginnabrik?

Ginnabrik: alksjdhoauishdklajsd.

Jadis: Oh, that’s what I thought you said…

Edmund: Oh, I remember!

Jadis: WHAT?

Edmund: I left my jacket at the beavers. Did you by chance find it there?

Jadis: …*raises wand*

Edmund: NO wait! I remember them saying something about Aslan!

Jadis: *GASP*


Ginnabrik: *GASP*

Tumnus: YAY!

Jadis: *death glare*

Tumnus: Uh…I mean…*GASP*
Jadis: OH really?

Tumnus: He’s not from Narnia, you can’t really expect him to know anything!

Minotaur: *gives Tumnus a beat down*

Jadis: Release the Faun…

Tumnus: *confused* Wait…you’re releasing me?

Jadis: Oh, be patient, I’m explaining everything now…

Tumnus: okay…

Jadis: You see this human, faun?

Tumnus: No. he’s only sitting right in front of me! Of course I can see him!

Minotaur:*beat down number 2*

Jadis: Yes well, do you know why you’re here faun?

Tumnus: because I believe in a free Narnia.

Jadis: Haha hahaha hahaha, ha No. You’re here, because he turned you in. For sweeties.

Tumnus: *GASP* What kind of sweeties?

Jadis: Turkish Delight.

Tumnus: WHAT? COME ON! If you’re going to betray me for candy at least make it a chocolate bar!

Minotaur: *drags Tumnus out*

Tumnus: *gives Edmund the ‘How could you’ look*

Jadis: Now come on. We’re going for a ride.

Ginnabrik:*escorts Edmund with a knife at his back to the Witch’s sleigh*

Edmund:*sees a statue that looks just like Tumnus* *GASP*

Ginnabrik : You’re next.


Ginnabrik: Pfft…I wish…

YAY! I finally found time! :D
When you get to scenes with Aslan present, it may help to remember that it is possible to make jokes which PERTAIN TO God, yet are not intended to MOCK Him.

Gene Wilder did an unusual comedy Western called "The Frisco Kid." In one scene, as a captive of Indians, he is called upon to pray for the rain the Indians need. So Wilder indignantly lectures the Indians: "You don't understand! God gives us a sense of right and wrong; He gives us courage to endure, and compassion to help our neighbor; but He does not bring rain!" The very next instant, rain starts falling; so, without missing a beat, Wilder says, "Of course, sometimes just like that, He changes His mind!" The scene is funny and yet not at all insulting to the Almighty.

You could show Aslan as _recognizing_ the absurdity of others around Him without His being absurd Himself. Did you ever see the old TV sitcom "WKRP In Cincinnati"? There, the station manager Andy did not do ridiculous things himself, but played his part in the comedy precisely by being the one who tried to preserve sanity. You could have Aslan act somewhat like that.
Copperfox said:
When you get to scenes with Aslan present, it may help to remember that it is possible to make jokes which PERTAIN TO God, yet are not intended to MOCK Him.

Gene Wilder did an unusual comedy Western called "The Frisco Kid." In one scene, as a captive of Indians, he is called upon to pray for the rain the Indians need. So Wilder indignantly lectures the Indians: "You don't understand! God gives us a sense of right and wrong; He gives us courage to endure, and compassion to help our neighbor; but He does not bring rain!" The very next instant, rain starts falling; so, without missing a beat, Wilder says, "Of course, sometimes just like that, He changes His mind!" The scene is funny and yet not at all insulting to the Almighty.

You could show Aslan as _recognizing_ the absurdity of others around Him without His being absurd Himself. Did you ever see the old TV sitcom "WKRP In Cincinnati"? There, the station manager Andy did not do ridiculous things himself, but played his part in the comedy precisely by being the one who tried to preserve sanity. You could have Aslan act somewhat like that.
True. I'll figure out something. I've still got quite a bit of writing to do before I reach that scene. :D