CoN:LWW Spoof (NEW)

*pinky promise*

Ok...I'll try to believe you:p

I broke my pinky promise... :(

But, I have some free time this weekend, so I think I'll start writing again. :D

It's been almost 4 months now since my last update...:eek:

I'll probably have to watch the movie again, because I don't remember what happens next..haha, Bad IOWW!
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LOLOLOL. I was just reading through some of the older parts again and some parts made me laugh so hard, my sides actually hurt. Especially this:


Professor: It’s alright, it’s alright…just remind me to hide the barn key…

Macready: They know they are not to disturb you…

Professor: We’ll discuss this tomorrow. However I think this little one needs a drink-

Macready: * looks shocked*

Professor: Hot chocolate! Gosh, I’m not that bad of a guy!
I'm surprised I didn't see this before. It's awesome! :)

'Tenny rate, enough compliments. Did you know you missed the horn in the gift-giving?

Some of my favorite parts:
Something: *Comes out from the bushes and turns out to be a faun*

Faun: *Screams*

Lucy: *screams*

Faun: *hides*

Lucy * hides*

Edmund: Copycats…

Peter: Shut up! Your not in this scene!

Lucy: Walks out and picks up fauns packages.

Faun: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who are you?

Lucy: What are you?

Faun: Me? Well I’m a faun…what are you? A beardless dwarf?

Lucy: NO! I’m a girl!

Faun: Wait, wait, you’re a …human?

Lucy: No, I’m a fish…

Faun: Huh?

Lucy: Never mind. I’m human.


Professor: It’s alright, it’s alright…just remind me to hide the barn key…

Macready: They know they are not to disturb you…

Professor: We’ll discuss this tomorrow. However I think this little one needs a drink-

Macready: * looks shocked*

Professor: Hot chocolate! Gosh, I’m not that bad of a guy!

Macready: Yes, sir. * takes Lucy down stairs*

Peter: Maybe if we’re quiet…he won’t see us * sneaks away*

Professor: And where do you think your going?

Peter: Darn it…

IOWW said:
Professor: And Edmund is the one who tells the truth the most?

Peter: Well…actually we have a better chance of a duck singing jingle bells with a cow…

Professor: Well then obviously she’s telling the truth! Now go! I must smoke my pipe…


OKay, so I'm still busy, but I really miss writing this thing.

I'm going to try reverse psychology here...I wont be able to write more by the weekend and I wont be able to update soon.;)

(Whenever I try to say I can, I never do. :rolleyes:)
Does that mean we should all also try reverse psychology and say stuff like "we don't want any more"?

lol, I'm not sure. My inner self that doesn't listen to reverse psychology may be crushed, but my outer self who's all for it would probably be driven by it.:D

I have to leave for practice in like a half hour, so I can't write a little now, and I wont be able to write later, either.;)
Believe it or not, I have the first half of part 12 done! No reverse psychology here, either. :D

I'm not as happy with it though, simply because it's not a very funny part of the movie, so it's rather hard to write for it. :rolleyes:

But it's a start!
Finally, after many months of laziness and neglect, Part 12 is out!

Now, I haven't watched the LWW movie in forever, so forgive me if everything is ordered wrong. I figured it would still workout anyway. :D


Part 12

Jadis, Ginnabrik, and Edmund: *trudging through the forest*

Jadis: Wait a minute…what happened to my sleigh?

Everyone: *pauses*

Silence: *ensues*

Jadis: You’ve got to be kidding me…

Edmund: *looks around* HEY!

Jadis: Did you find it?!?

Edmund: Find what?


Edmund: No…but look! A NICKLE!

Jadis: *face palm* GARRRR!! *storms off in an angry rage*

Ginnabrik: Wait your majesty! *tugs Edmund along with a leash*

Edmund: Ack!

*A few miles away, at a rather dangerous looking waterfall*

Peter:…you want us to cross THIS?

Mr. Beaver: Well, it was frozen the last time I saw it.

Susan: There’s NO way I’m crossing this thing. This ice looks weaker than a piece of paper.

Mrs. Beaver: Oh, come on now. You’re over exaggerating.

Mr. Beaver: Here, watch. *walks out onto the ice* See? I believe I’m still above the ice.

Susan: Yeah, but you’re just standing still. You should move around a bit more or something.

Mr. Beaver: Well, what do you want me to do, break dance?! I’m a beaver for Aslan’s sake!

Peter: Sure, I think that would convince us.

Susan: Most definitely.

Lucy: Break it down, Mr. Beaver!

Mr. Beaver: *sigh* Alright then…honey, did you by chance?

Mrs. Beaver: Of course, Beaver! *pulls out an old record player*

Pevensies: *look at each other confused*

Mr. Beaver: *breaks it down old school*

Mrs. Beaver: Go, Beaver, go Beaver, go!

Mr. Beaver: *continues dancing*

Pevensies: *stare, mouth agape*

Susan: Okay, fine, lets go… *starts to cross*


Maugrim: Let’s sneak up on them!

Friend 1: Good plan, boss!

Friend 2: *Shouts loudly* HOOOOWWWWLLLL!!!!! Yeah, lets kill some sons and daughters of Eve! WOO!

Wolves: *glare angrily at wolf friend number 2*

Friend 2: *laughs nervously* heh heh, um, sorry…got caught up in the moment…

Pevensies: AH! Wolves! RUN!

Wolves: *Circle the kids, and trap Mr. Beaver in the midst of doing the worm*

Maugrim: Now you’ve got nowhere to go. Might as well give up now, brat.

Peter: *Pulls out sword*

Maugrim: *laughs* You actually thing you can kill me? You could never harm me, you’re too afraid. Besides, we’ll kill your little friend here. *motions to Mr. Beaver*

Mr. Beaver: Forget me, Peter! Run him through! Aslan knows the little bugger deserves it!

Audience member 1: Wow, quite violent for a kids movie, aren’t they? All this talk of running wolves through and violent acts towards break-dancing beavers! PETA’s going to have a field day with this movie…

Audience member 2: Oh, get a grip, and shush! This is a dramatic part!

Peter: *looks at maugrim, looks at the water fall, looks at the ice, looks back at maugrim*

Susan: Peter, do something!

Light bulb:*Appears above Peters head*

Maugrim: *sees light bulb* What is that?!

Peter: *stabs the ice in super-cool slow motion*

Maugrim: Pfft, what was that? You missed me! Nyah-nyah!

Ice: *cracks rather loudly*

Wolves: OH dear…

Waterfall: *Falls apart*

Everyone: *screams* AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Pevensies: *Somehow manage to stay on a perfectly good sized piece of ice*

Susan: Well, that was actually a pretty good idea there, Peter.

Peter: Thank you Susan. What did you think Lucy?

Lucy: *silence*

Peter: Lu? *lifts up Lucy’s jacket, realizing there is no Lucy in it* Oh no…

Susan: You lost Lucy!?!? This was a horrible plan!

Beavers: What happened?

Susan: Peter lost Lucy!

Beavers: Now why would you do that?!

Peter: It wasn’t on purpose!

Susan: LUCY!? Lucy where are you?!

Peter: *stares sadly at the jacket*

Lucy: *appears from the woods* Has anyone seen my coat?

Susan & Peter: LUCY! *tackle*

Lucy: He-OW! Why did you tackle me?!

Peter: I’m so sorry, I thought we’d lost you!

Lucy: So you TACKLE me??

Peter: It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Susan: It’s okay, luckily there’s no snow now, so she shouldn’t get too- wait a minute…the snows gone!

The snow: *is in fact gone*

Beavers: Yes! The prophecy is true after all! Winter is ending!

Back to a rather ticked Queen and her Dwarf minion who is dragging along a rather distraught English boy…

Jadis: I can’t believe my sleigh just got up and disappeared like that…

Ginnabrik: I know, your majesty…talk about a plot hole…

Fox: *Appears*

Jadis: Well, well, well…what do we have here?

Fox: Oh no…

Jadis: Out for a little walk Mr. Fox? Or are you PLOTTING TO DESTROY MY KINGDOM!??!

Fox: Whoa, whoa, Queeny! Don’t you think you’re over-reacting a bit? I’m simply walking past you. I haven’t done anything against your kingdom. In fact, I LOVE the winter. My fur is perfect for it!

Jadis: …really?

Fox: Of course, I mean, such a beautiful Queen such as yourself HAS to know what’s right for her people. I mean, look at Marie Antoinette! Such a lovely lady…

Edmund: Um…Wasn’t she beheaded by her people?

Fox: Quiet you.

Jadis: Right, well, carry on then good Fox. I pray I haven’t disrupted your walk!

Fox: Of course not, my lady-

Maugrim: *storms in soaking wet* Jadis, this fox has been found to be a traitor! He helped the beavers escape!

Jadis: *death glare*

Fox: Drat… *gets tackled by the wolves*

Fox (again): I’m sorry, your majesty!

Jadis: It’s too late for apologies!

Fox: *ahem* I wasn’t talking to you…*looks at Edmund*

Jadis: *growls*

Fox: Did you just growl?

Jadis: So what if I did??

Fox: Oh, nothing, I just thought it wasn’t a very womanly thing to d-

Jadis: *zaps Fox with her wand*

Fox: AH!*Gets zapped*

Edmund: *is absolutely petrified…well…figuratively speaking, of course. Technically the Fox is the one who’s petrified at the moment*

Jadis: Well, that settles that. Now, why are you all wet?

Maugrim: Well, we were chasing the children across a melting waterfall, and it kind of crashed on top of us…

Jadis: Drats, so you let them get away?! How irresponsible! *walks away with Ginnabrik and Edmund close behind*

Maugrim: Oh don’t worry about me, I’m fine. I only had a giant waterfall fall on top of me…thanks for caring, your majesty. *rolleyes*
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*dies laughing* Oh man...that is hilarious!! Seriously, I haven't the words to describe how funny this is. And I just saw the movie last night, so that helped :D
Edmund: *is absolutely petrified…well…figuratively speaking, of course. Technically the Fox is the one who’s petrified at the moment*

Maugrim: Oh don’t worry about me, I’m fine. I only had a giant waterfall fall on top of me…thanks for caring, your majesty. *rolleyes*

Those two are the funniest! LOL :p

Great job on this! :D
Susan: Well, that was actually a pretty good idea there, Peter.

Peter: Thank you Susan. What did you think Lucy?

Lucy: *silence*

Peter: Lu? *lifts up Lucy’s jacket, realizing there is no Lucy in it* Oh no…

Susan: You lost Lucy!?!? This was a horrible plan!

:D Hilarious as ever, Chelsea...
haha, thank you all! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D

I don't really have anything to do right I think I'll write some more. I really want to get this finished so I can start on Prince Caspian. ;)