CoN:LWW Spoof (NEW)

chels, that is...


That made my day!
Last edited:
Hey everybody!
Long time no see in these parts, eh? :D

Well, I'm pleased to announce that I have started up on my spoof again, and I plan on having chapter 11 out fairly soon. Hopefully before Friday...but, as most of you know, I'm terribe with deadlines.:eek:
Part 11

Lucy: *still walking*

Susan: Are we there yet?

Peter: Would you two stop asking me that?!

Susan: Not until we’re there, we wont.

Peter: *face palm*

Mr.Beaver: Don’t worry you three, we’ll be there in a few hours.

Susan: *sigh* I’m tired…

Peter: Aren’t we all? Stop being so inconsiderate, Susan.

Lucy: I’m tired…

Peter: Ah, here you go Lu. *puts her on his back and carries her*

Susan: Hey! I just said I was tired, and I get ridiculed, yet she says the same thing, and she gets a piggy back ride? NOT FAIR!

Peter: Susan, she’s little…she’s only like 6, or something…

Noise:*comes from behind them*

Susan: *looks* OH NO!

Peter,Lucy, Mr. Beaver and Mrs. Beaver: What is it?

Susan: It’s the White Witch!

Peter: *drops Lucy on the ground and starts to run*

Lucy: HEY!

Peter: Sorry, Lu. *runs back, grabs her hand and starts running again*


Everyone: You don’t have to tell us twice!

Audience member: Hmmm…those don’t look like Polar bears that’s chasing them…

Another audience member: Shush…they obviously can’t see that.

Audience member: You mean, they can’t see that a horse is chasing them, and not an evil polar bear?

Another audience member: Ye- Ju…just zip your trap, they’re about to jump into the hole. *eats popcorn*

Mr. Beaver: Quickly! She’ll never find us if we jump into a cave-like hole right in front of her!

Everyone: *jumps in the hole*

Silence: *ensues*

Mr. Beaver: I’m going to have a look outside, so I can show her exactly where we are hiding.

Mrs. Beaver: No honey! Don’t be a hero!

Mr. Beaver: I need to do this, honey. For them. *hugs*

Audience: Awwwwwwww…….

Mr. Beaver: *emerges from cave and sees who is persuing them*

Lucy: Is he okay?

Mr. Beaver: *Pops his head over the edge and scares the life out of everyone in the hole* COME ON OUT! There’s somebody you have to meet!

Peter: You want us to meet the Witch?!?

Mr. Beaver: It’s not the witch, Peter, it’s somebody more important than the Witch.

Peter: Like David Hasselhoff?

Mr. Beaver: Um….no.

Everyone: *emerges from the hole*

Father Christmas: Hello there.

Lucy: SANTA! *hugs*

Father Christmas: Um…I’m actually Father Christmas…

Susan: So…you’re not Santa Claus?

Father Christmas: I’m Father Christmas.

Lucy: But…Santa is cool…

Father Christmas: Um…TIME FOR PRESENTS!

Lucy: *Gasp* YAY!

Father Claus-er…Christmas: Here you go little Lucy…*hands cordial*

Lucy: What’s this?

Father Christmas: Well…it’s a liquid that can cure any injury or illness.

Peter: Sweet!

Susan: Sweet!

Lucy: Sweet!

Father Christmas: Sweet? Well, I suppose it might taste sweet…but, I personally have never tried it before…*ahem* Anyway, there’s also this…*hands dagger*

Lucy: Oohh…

Father Christmas: Now, I don’t want you to use this, because it’s very dangerous, but I figured you should have it anyway...just for kicks.

Lucy: Um, okay then…

Father Christmas: And for you Susan…*hands bow and arrows*

Susan: Wow…

Peter: What do I get Santa???

Father Christmas: *ahem* Father Christmas…

Peter: Yeah, right…well what do I get?

Father Christmas: *hands sword and shield*

Peter: *pulls sword out rather dramatically, and in super-cool slow motion*

Father Christmas: Well?

Peter: Cool beans, man! I got a SWORD! And a SHIELD! With a LION on it! And the lion is SILVER! And-

Father Christmas: Okay, we get it. Its cool looking...

Peter: *re-sheaths sword*

Father Christmas: OH, and for you Beavers…

Mr. Beaver: *crosses fingers* Please be cell phone…please be a cell phone…

Mrs. Beaver: OH, shush Beaver!

Father Christmas: You two get…

Beavers: *eager anticipation*

Father Christmas: Nothing. At least, not right now…I’ll have to give you your gifts later.

Mr.Beaver: Aw, drat!

Father Christmas: Well, anyway, good luck Pevensies! The fate of Narnia rests on your shoulders! So…don’t screw up, or else we‘re all going down.

Peter: Um…thanks?

Father Christmas: You’re very welcome. *smiles and gets back into his sled* LONG LIVE ASLAN! *sleds away*

Susan: Well, that was interesting…

Lucy: I still can’t believe he’s not Santa…

Peter: Perhaps he’s having an identity crisis…

Susan: Yeah, lets go with that.

Hope you ewnjoyed it.
Father Christmas: Now, I don’t want you to use this, because it’s very dangerous, but I figured you should have it anyway...just for kicks.

Father Christmas: Sweet? Well, I suppose it might taste sweet…but, I personally have never tried it before…*ahem* Anyway, there’s also this…*hands dagger*
:p I was kind of hoping that you'd have Lucy try to drink the cordial--but whatever, it was brill anyway.
Peter: *pulls sword out rather dramatically, and in super-cool slow

Mr. Beaver: *crosses fingers* Please be cell phone…please be a cell phone…

Father Christmas: Well, anyway, good luck Pevensies! The fate of Narnia rests on your shoulders! So…don’t screw up, or else we‘re all going down.

Peter: Perhaps he’s having an identity crisis…

Susan: Yeah, lets go with that.
ROFL again!
The whole David Hasselhoff thing was definatly the best. I laughed so hard. I think I laughed harder on that than any of the other jokes in the whole thing. LOL! It was awesome (probably because my sister-in-law and I have a joke about him right now...)! Post more!
I Couldn't stop laughing over the entire thing! It was driving me insane with laughter!! butm, I got a coupel breaths in...;)
Please post more soon!!!!;p
Thanks you all.:D I'm glad you liked it. :D I'll be updating soon...or...I'll try to anyway. School has started again, so I have to do homework before my spoof.
*pinky promise*

Ok...I'll try to believe you:p

lol, that'd be kind of hard, considering my track record. :D

I'm trying guys, I really am....but school started a few weeks ago, and although I'm on here a lot, I'm usually doing homework at the same time.:eek: