CoN:LWW Spoof (NEW)

Lucy the Marshwiggle said:
I'm doing great! How are you doing? Do you still hate your coach?
I'm doing fine. Just enjoying Fall break. :D

And yeah, he's still a pain. But, I think he likes me becasue I actually work hard, so, that's a
Audience: *GASP* he just ratted them out!

Random Audience member: Let’s form an angry mob!

Audience: YEAH!

Pevensie’s & Beavers: *come out of tree safe*

Audience: *moan* Aww…man…

Audience member: *mutters* You got lucky this time Fox…*puts out torch and puts down pitchfork*

Audience Member: *wispers* he obviously doesn't know what happens in the next 5 minutes

HEEHEE! Rock on!
Lady Chloe said:
Chelsea!!!!! WRITE MORE!!!! I'M SUFFERING!!!!!!
Really? Maybe I'll take my time on this one.... :D Just kidding.

Sorry about the non-updatedness of my Spof. School and softball ahve been rough, and I really haven't had a chance. When I do though, I'll take it.
Aslan-and-friend said:
when will there be more of this? I wonder what the Aslan part will be like.
ooc- If you mean Aslan's death, I don't know If there's any possible way I can make that, I'm not going to try.

That just means I'll ahve to make everything else super funny. :D

Sorry it hasn't been updated guys. But, I haven't been able to watch the movie and get new idea's ( my brother lost it. :rolleyes: )