Corrupt a Wish Game (Please Do Not Delete)

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(HEY, you stole that wish. I wished it AGES ago! :D )
But at any rate...Granted. You are now the proud possessor of...hang on, what IS that thing??? Oh, it's an enormous dish...right.... Take off the cover's a SWORDFISH! Which immediately gores you right through. Although you do manage to kill it. Then you have to nurse your wound and wash the gigantic dish too. At the same time.

I wish for the death of Shelob.
Granted but nobody is on and they are no new posts (and believe me it is AWFULLY boring then).
I wish that when i am on i will NOT be bored.........or have to get off before. I will also not be bored or horrified by some posts
Granted, but you spend too much time in the Land of Duffers, resulting in a massive heaadache. You try to soothe the headache by going the the Socratic Club for awhile, but that's almost as bad. You finally get off.

I wish my eye would quit hurting WITHOUT any or all other part(s) of my body hurting instead. :p
Granted, but then someone uts a bom in the movie theater you two are going to so half way through the movie the bom goes off! :eek:

I wish I could live in a jar pf peanut butter! (this should be
Granted, but you get stuck to it like a fly, never to escape again. It is like quick're always falling...falling...falling....but the quick sand method (not to struggle) doesn't slow you down. You eventually perish in the jar of peanut butter, of both the suffocation, AND the perpetual smell which anyone would get sick of.

I wish I lived in a yellow submarine. Or maybe I don't, but eh...
But then you'd be bait for some Russian LOL nuclear sub that notices you right off the bat.

I wish that I never had to do laundry again.
Granted, but then your room becomes so cluttered that one day it comes alive and swallows you whole!

I wish I could have a big brother as nice as Peter... (heh, I've always secretly wanted a
Granted, but he's so nice that he's constantly beset by 'fangirls,' and you can never get a word in edgewise.

I wish for a whale with a watch which wears well. (Alliteration's fun, even if the wish doesn't make that much sense. :rolleyes: )
(it means using the same sound over and over...a very neat effect, often used in poetry. Mine was the w's...w hale w ith a w atch w hich w ears w ell)

Granted, but you are forced to use it in all your speech. Which means that if you can't figure out an alliterative way to say something, you can't say it.

I wish I knew what to do with my poetry.
Granted, you only wish the second worst wish in the world, which is that you are afflicted with the dreaded Leprecheepenaliosis, a terrible disease. The doctors pronounce you incurable, but by a means known only to yourself, you discover that you can be cured by the feathers of the Great Green Bird. Of course you go to try and capture the Green Bird, but this proves to be more difficult than you realize, because the Bird can fly... and you can't... so you set a trap for it. you send a Great Flying Buldog up into the air to bring it back. the Buldog brings it to you, and you quickly strip it of all its feathers, brew a potion from them, and drink it. Too late, you discover that you were only supposed to take a FEW feathers from the Bird, and if you take all the feathers (thereby dishonoring the Bird at all the Birdly conventions) you will be subjected to imprisonment in the deepest dungeoun. Immediately you are transported to the dungeon... and you still have leprecheepenaliosis.

I wish HB would come back to this thread!
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