Corrupt a Wish Game (Please Do Not Delete)

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Granted. But the magic is SO black that it looks like black coffee, and you hate black coffee, so you put milk and sugar in it. However, milk and sugar are white, and the magic turns tan. So it's not black anymore.

I wish for something nice.
Granted, but then Evening Star's badgery self comes along and steals it. :D

I wish the school year would end NOW.
granted but as soon as you get it you drive into a lamp poste and that is the end of that...

i wish my friends wernt tso depressed...
Granted. Your friend is now so bright and happy that it makes you sick. So sick, in fact, that you throw up. All over your cat. The cat scratches you. You get infected. The infections make you delirious, and you go around breaking people's windows. And before you know it, a mob is formed which chases you out of the city.

I wish gravity would reverse.
wish granted but instead of sleep walkin she snores like a bear
(*lol bear* snore*)

I wish Nick Jonas wuz my boyfriend foreverz and everz
granted but then in the end you dont like him anymore but he still likes you and follows you...

i wish i didunt have to go to bed...
wish granted but u don't sleep at all and ur totally tired at school and then if ur crush walks by and sits next to u u'll be too tired to care then he won't like u any more and then.....yeah I think I'm done my head hurts & need more oxygern to breath.

I wish I could go see My Chemical Romance in concert
granted. but when you go you get sweeped into a mosh pit and end up missing most of the concert because you are being sqished...

i wish i could have a day off
Granted. You get so good at it that you spend the rest of your life hammering boards... and hitting your fingers in the process.

I wish that this wild-eyed guy with a pushpin would stop chasing me!
Granted. You get so good at it that you spend the rest of your life hammering boards... and hitting your fingers in the process.

I wish that this wild-eyed guy with a pushpin would stop chasing me!
granted but a fat lady with a horrid scream starts chasing you again, until you go deaf and can't hear where she is anymore and she catches you and turns you into a sowing machine, sowing until you finger turn blue at the end of the day and you can't hear the poor fat woman scream and longer...

I wish that people knew what I meant by board...
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