Granted. You go to search the forum. However, Specter has initiated a new program to make sure that spambots don't try to search the forum (although he can't imagine why they would try to do that), making it so that you have to fix a webcam on yourself and do 10 jumpingjacks, then send the clip to narniafans for review. The results of your search come a few months later. You don't have a webcam, so you go to BestBuy to find one. Unfortunately, you get lost in the videos section, because you haven't seen any of the videos, and you keep forgetting them, so you have nothing to use for landmarks. When you finally get out and buy the webcam, you do the jumpingjacks and send them to narniafans. You don't feel like waiting a few months, so you hop into your time machine to emerge a few months later. While you were gone, however, Specter removed the feature and your search was completed, but you were gone for so long that your computer turned off. You try to turn it back on, but the wires have rusted. When you finally get them replaced after another few months, you try to search again, only to find that Specter has re-initiated that dumb program again...
I wish that HB would become a Duffer again...