Did You Find the BBC Version Humorous?


New member
I saw the LWW last night for the 3rd time and then came home and unearthed the old BBC version from our shelf. I watched untill the battle but i was laughing so hard through it. I remembered aslan as so cool and very unfake looking. it is amazing the leaps in movies that have gone on in 15-20 years.don't get me wrong i loved them so much when i was younger that our tape is now crappy and wobbly. Anyone else find it humorous?

I've seen the movie 3 times now, too! Though I've never seen the first one... *shields snowballs* I'll probably have to see it, huh?
well , you are nOt the only one i alreadi wath it 4 times 2 i promisse!and. i just love edmund!skandar is cute,hot,and lovelylyly!


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I dunno how many versions there are, but the old one I saw was HYSTERICAL. The creatures were cartoons! And Aslan...wow, that was really sad. It was a disgrace - He doesn't even ROAR! And that is what Aslan is all about:

"He's no a tame lion."

;) Yeah, I found it very laughable. Sad though. I have been waiting for this Narnia for over a year, and they did a JOB WELL DONE. Well worth the wait. I seriously do not think they could have done any better. :) Happiness...

-Anna Kate
hey, BBC version is good
it was made a long time ago, and it is great way back then
the new movie was great because of the effects,
but the bbc was fine, and was loved by many kids. :D :) :)
The BBC is far more faithful than the new film...in that department, I was quite disappointed. I adore the BBC version and always will. I don't care if the films are dated and some of the acting wooden, it has so much heart...something that is completely lost IMO in the new film.

Oh, I love the BBC version but I think the last time I watched I was 10. So when I watched it again, my imagination had built it up to so much more in my head. It was truly hilarious though with the cartoon creatures. (Although I remember Lucy wasn't my favorite but I thought I was going to jump through the screen and strangle that girl) I'm sure that will make some upset.
I love the new movie a whole lot better than the BBC ones but I do still love the BBC ones because I grew up watching them. They did do the best they could in the time period they were made in but Aslan's breathing and Lucy have always bothered me. Prince Caspian is my favorite so far but I haven't watched the Dawn Treader or the Silver chair in like 5 years so i don't know.
Ummm, it made me laugh too. The cartoon animals were really funny, and though Aslan did roar, he talked kind of in burps. He would open his mouth and say five sentences, and then close it again. And Lucy was not good. I'm sorry, but she wasn't young enough, she was kind of on the chunky side, and she wasn't all that great of an actress. I love Georgie as Lucy. The White Witch provided the best entertainment I think. Her little "Narnia shall perish IN FIRE AND WAAAAAAAAATTER!" Made me fall over laughing. The scene with her and Edmund made Edmund look like a complete and absolutely total idiot for trusting her at all whatsoever. Every other second she was screaming in his face, and the rest of the time she was so insincerely sickly sweet my baby sister would not have been fooled. She overacted way, way too much, Tilda Swinton was SUCH a relief after the old White Witch. But, strangely enough, I used to really like that movie as well. The Silver Chair is actually pretty good until you get to the Witch turns into a snake sock puppet scene. It was the funniest scene in the movie, but not intentionally) I guess we did a good job of making do with what we had, but thank goodness for what we have now! I've seen the new movie twice now!
P.S. Still can't decide. (For confused people, check out my banner by Namaste)
(Sorry I accidentally posted twice. Does anyone know how to remove the other one?)
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Ummm, it made me laugh too. The cartoon animals were really funny, and though Aslan did roar, he talked kind of in burps. He would open his mouth and say five sentences, and then close it again. And Lucy was not good. I'm sorry, but she wasn't young enough, she was kind of on the chunky side, and she wasn't all that great of an actress. I love Georgie as Lucy. The White Witch provided the best entertainment I think. Her little "Narnia shall perish IN FIRE AND WAAAAAAAAATTER!" Made me fall over laughing. The scene with her and Edmund made Edmund look like a complete and absolutely total idiot for trusting her at all whatsoever. Every other second she was screaming in his face, and the rest of the time she was so insincerely sickly sweet my baby sister would not have been fooled. She overacted way, way too much, Tilda Swinton was SUCH a relief after the old White Witch. But, strangely enough, I used to really like that movie as well. I guess we did a good job of making do with what we had, but thank goodness for what we have now! I've seen the new movie twice now!
P.S. Still can't decide. (For confused people, check out my banner by Namaste)
I never liked the BBC version or the earlier Animated version of LWW. But the BBC version did a better job in VTD and SC. Mainly becuace I like the Scrubb and Jill. I really hope the movies make it to The Silver Chair. Pole and Scrubb are such fun characters and Puddleglum is such a jolly person in his own way. i wonder who would do a good job as the actor for Puddleglum. If he is a CG character Ben Stein has the touch as a voice. But he is too old and small to act the character. :)
I definately did love the old ones soo much when i was little that i didn't realized that they where pretty lame at points. Though they were way more true to the book than the new one. Edmund was my favorite in the old version. He played it soo well that you hated him but then you understood in a weird sort of way.
Ha, ha

I agree! The BBC version is so funny, but I remember being younger and loving it and thinking everything was so real! :D I also DID NOT think that the makers picked very good actors and actresses... esp. Lucy.

I, too, grew up watching the BBC versions, but they certainly are unintentionally funny. I found the Witch (and the other parts the actress played) hilarious, even as a kid. Has anyone got any sound clips of her saying 'How DARE you come alone?!' or 'Which one of you destroyed the Silver Chair?!' I don't think I've ever seen such over the top acting before or since.
Yeah, after my fourth time (ive seen it 5x) I went home with my friend and watched the BBC version, i was laughing as well. I remember saying how awesome it was and that I LOVED Aslan in that one. Because When i saw the newer one, I thought to myself 'i like the Aslan in the BBC version better' but then I saw it and I was liek woah. I still love the movie, and it is A LOT MORE FAITHFUL to the book, but the newer one is allowed to do this book some justice. The one scene which I wished they spent more time on was when Susan, Lucy and Aslan went to the White Witch's house. i felt they rushed that.
Narnian_Lady said:
The BBC is far more faithful than the new film...in that department, I was quite disappointed. I adore the BBC version and always will. I don't care if the films are dated and some of the acting wooden, it has so much heart...something that is completely lost IMO in the new film.

HEREHERE!!! I completely agree with you!!
i just had a marathon of LWW and PC and VDT and it was...very...hysterical, cheesy, odd. i didn't like how the talking animals were really humans dressed up and the witch was...a bit too strong and not very cunning. then the ordinary animals were ANIMATED!!! god. do you know how ridiculous it looked when ed was riding an ANIMATED horse?! i don't know. i just started watching SC (mainly to see what jill looked like and see how her acting was because i thought that everyone else was terrible) so i don't know if it got better or not. does it? anway, i definetely like the new version better! (sorry if i offend anyone that likes the BBC version)
Screen caps

Hi everyone! I'n new here, but I've loved Narnia since I was little. I was practically raised on it!

Quick question: Does anyone have or can obtain screen caps of the old BBC narnia movies? I loved them, and can't find good caps anywhere!

Please let me know! Thanks!