Did You Find the BBC Version Humorous?

I haven't seen either the animated film or the BBC version, but I saw a "trailer" on YouTube. The crowns floated through the air and landed on the kids heads! What a joke. Lucy, to me, was not cute in that one. Lucy in 2005 version is so adorable. Here's that trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KZMqA9bwAI They used LOTR music in it too, which is completely wrong!
I did find it funny after seeing the new one. It is just that the techonolgy wasn't as advanced as we have today. Its hard for us to like stuff that isn't all advanced because thats our culture today...but honestly, I did laugh too.
i havent seen the bbc version but i have seen the recent one like so many times!!!but it would be interesting to see the bbc version though
i think a lot of us that have seen the BBC version and like it a lot is because we were very young and it made an impression on us. it's part of our childhood. even though it's not as spectacular as the 2005 version, it was more true to the book.
polly&digory said:
I saw the LWW last night for the 3rd time and then came home and unearthed the old BBC version from our shelf. I watched untill the battle but i was laughing so hard through it. I remembered aslan as so cool and very unfake looking. it is amazing the leaps in movies that have gone on in 15-20 years.don't get me wrong i loved them so much when i was younger that our tape is now crappy and wobbly. Anyone else find it humorous?

i was scared. like, omg the that's the weirdest thing I've ever seen kind of scared. Not the omg it's a big scary draaaaaagonnnnn! Kind of scared.
It is humorous to look at new films like LWW and then go back and view a prior version. I remember being scared stiff back in the 50s and 60s over the original Dracula, Frankenstein, and Wolfman movies. I wanted to show them to my kids so I rented them. They laughed hysterically all the way through them and couldn't imagine why, as a kid, I would be scared seeing these movies. In the making of films and the special effects that now go into them, we have a whole new vision of reality than we did 40 or 50 years ago. Man I feel old all of a sudden. lol
ChildOfAslan7 said:
i think a lot of us that have seen the BBC version and like it a lot is because we were very young and it made an impression on us. it's part of our childhood. even though it's not as spectacular as the 2005 version, it was more true to the book.

I agree, I grew up on the BBC version. It was my first doorway into Narnia.
polly&digory said:
I saw the LWW last night for the 3rd time and then came home and unearthed the old BBC version from our shelf. I watched untill the battle but i was laughing so hard through it. I remembered aslan as so cool and very unfake looking. it is amazing the leaps in movies that have gone on in 15-20 years.don't get me wrong i loved them so much when i was younger that our tape is now crappy and wobbly. Anyone else find it humorous?

oh yes, I find that hilarious. I remember Machia and I were going through that one before the movie came out and we were laughing.
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
i was scared. like, omg the that's the weirdest thing I've ever seen kind of scared. Not the omg it's a big scary draaaaaagonnnnn! Kind of scared.
Yes, the second type is the type of scared you should be now, now that I have returned from, um, wherever I must have been that prevented me from posting all summer.
it made me laugh too! Even when we first saw it (about 4 years ago) Aslan was stiff-legged and his "roar" sounded like someone going "Aaaahhh". Lucy was the funniest ("I'm Luthy") but she improved with the next couple films. Even though the BBC versions are completely faithful to the books, you'd think they would have had more imagination with the films.