Did You Find the BBC Version Humorous?

I like their way of telling the story.This version is very,very faithful to the book.I think they got every single line right! That made me impressed.
But...even though Aslan looked better than I thought..he was not realistic at all.Whenever he spoke,he just opened his mouth and the words came out without him moving his lips.
But it's very important to remember that this movie is made in the 80's and they didn't have all these special effects that movies have today.Also,much more money was involved when Walden Media and Disney made their version.
I just watched these movies over this weekend. Hopefully, I'll get to see SC tomorrow.

I do have to agree that compatred to today's standards, they are a bit on the cheap side. To their credit, I must say that they kept nearly exact to the dialogue in the books in most situations.

It wasn't the lack of technology that did them in. It was done in 88-90. The problem was that they more than likely had a very low budget and could not afford the high end special effets that would have made it better. They also apparently had a cost problem where they could not afford a good number of actors for the battle scenes.

As for the actors, I agree with Valiant that Jadis' actress was way over the top. I also just didn't like who they cast for my favorite character of Lucy. And Edmund and Peter looked like they were the same age.

To respond to the original subject, I, too, had times where I could not help but laugh in places where it was not warranted.
