Did You Find the BBC Version Humorous?

I saw the LWW last night for the 3rd time and then came home and unearthed the old BBC version from our shelf. I watched untill the battle but i was laughing so hard through it. I remembered aslan as so cool and very unfake looking. it is amazing the leaps in movies that have gone on in 15-20 years.don't get me wrong i loved them so much when i was younger that our tape is now crappy and wobbly. Anyone else find it humorous?

I couldn't keep watching it, I saw like five miutes of it then I couldn't stand to keep watching it. The acting is horrible and well, its just all round ...yukk.
I disagree. Sure it wasn't done the best. The production wasn't great but for the technology of the day it was ok. I actually liked the BBC series. It followed the books well. In some ways I prefer it to the new one.
when watching the bbc versions, it is important to note that they were made when technology wasnt as high tech. for the time period they were made in, they are very well done. i dont mind watching them from time to time.
when watching the bbc versions, it is important to note that they were made when technology wasnt as high tech. for the time period they were made in, they are very well done. i dont mind watching them from time to time.

Precisely, a well made point. True, the films are poor, but we forget they were made 20 years ago, and how much technology has advanced. They didnt even have CD Roms back then.... whoa that makes me feel old. I was born before CD's.....:(
I haven't seen the BBC version, but I saw the animated one, and the cartoon Lucy with a long face, and Edmund was fluffy curly hair made me laugh for blinkin aaages!
I disagree. Sure it wasn't done the best. The production wasn't great but for the technology of the day it was ok. I actually liked the BBC series. It followed the books well. In some ways I prefer it to the new one.

I understand that...but technology aside, the acting was terrible
as in; I so didn't believe a word lucy said...
the others were somewhat better but still....
Well, that's your opinion. We each have a right to our own. I liked the BBC version. They weren't perfect, but they were fine. I didn't think that they were that bad as far as the acting went. The characters were treated very differently...not in a bad way, just different aspects of their characters were brought out. I liked them. So, you didn't...that's fine. WaterHogBoy said in the other thread that we who liked the series are a dying breed...most people like the new technology. He likes to pick on Lucy too, but liked the series overall. I liked the spins that they took on the BBC characters in a lot of ways. Regardless, they stayed true to the books. They were good for what they were when they were created.
I saw the LWW last night for the 3rd time and then came home and unearthed the old BBC version from our shelf. I watched untill the battle but i was laughing so hard through it. I remembered aslan as so cool and very unfake looking. it is amazing the leaps in movies that have gone on in 15-20 years.don't get me wrong i loved them so much when i was younger that our tape is now crappy and wobbly. Anyone else find it humorous?

I do. But I think they are great movies besides the fact the acting and effects isn't the greatest, they are still fun.
The special effects and costumes are on the cheezy side, but on the whole it sticks very closely to the book. I thought they were good for what they were. They were created in the 80's and the technology wasn't great. The characters have a different focus than the Disney/Walden one, but still true to the book...even moreso actually than the new one. I hope you'll get to see them!
I do. But I think they are great movies besides the fact the acting and effects isn't the greatest, they are still fun.

I think this is a good review! If you're looking for a good, classy representation of the books dont watch the BBC. But if you want a light hearted, fun version that doesnt take itself too seriously but manages to put the point across - you'll love the Beebs!!
it didnt make me laugh it sacred me...*shudders* those beavers are after me i swear....JK it was kinda funny but as far as acting it blew the new LWW out of the water. I was expecting the new one to be some huge leap but to my dismay it wasnt. they cut everything out of the book in the new one but in the BBC ones they captured every sentence from the book lovingly...man I wish the guy that dircted this movie had directed the new one...andrew adamson just needs to be shot! *sheilds for snowballs, rocks and vegitables*
it didnt make me laugh it sacred me...*shudders* those beavers are after me i swear....JK it was kinda funny but as far as acting it blew the new LWW out of the water. I was expecting the new one to be some huge leap but to my dismay it wasnt. they cut everything out of the book in the new one but in the BBC ones they captured every sentence from the book lovingly...man I wish the guy that dircted this movie had directed the new one...andrew adamson just needs to be shot! *sheilds for snowballs, rocks and vegitables*

Hey, Hey, Hey now...I agree that the BBC version captured the lines from the book and stuck much closer to them than the new one and I'm protective of the story as well. Having said that I don't think on a family friendly forum that we ever need to express violent thoughts toward people. Andrew is very talented and he had a different take on things than others maybe...and no one can please everyone...but I don't think it's right to suggest that he needs to be shot or hurt in anyway, shape or form. He's not a bad guy and he wasn't the only one working on the film. Was the new LWW all that it could have been...not remotely...but it was good for what it was. Please let's be kind to the cast and crew of the movies...even if we don't like their work huh.
I just watched some parts of the BBC version of LWW and...I laughed so hard during the Stone Table scene! But they got me slightly impressed with their Aslan.He looked much better than I thought! But realistic? Umm....not really...:p
And the actress playing Jadis overacted so much! But maybe that's just me.
No, it's not you...she overacted tons. No, not that realistic with Aslan...but I love the way they did a lot of things...being able to hear the kid's thoughts like Edmund's. It did well to tell the story better.