Did You Find the BBC Version Humorous?

Susan the Gentle said:
Where I can find this BBC Version of the Chronicles of Narnia? :confused:

i got mine at the library. you'll probably be able to find it there. also, i was at costco or sam's club or some other wholesale club like that and they had the boxed set. just keep looking at you will find....welcome to the boards, also
BBC versions

Personally, I preferred the old BBC version to this newer one. The new Disney one is certainly prettier, its special effects better, its acting an improvement, but it is not nearly as faithful to the original book as the BBC one was. That's a pretty important point, too.

I was also bothered by the anti-Christmas bias that made its way into the new film. The witch made Narnia a place where it was always winter, but never Christmas - she angrily turned animals to stone for celebrating Christmas, and Father Christmas himself appears to say that the witch had driven him out, but he'd managed to come back because Aslan was on the move. In our new film, Father Christmas returns, but without his red suit--though one of the kids slips and mentions a man in a red suit, so probably it was an afterthought in political correctness that the editors missed. Yes, Santa Claus/Father Christmas is a secular symbol of Christmas, but he is also a Christian symbol because he promises us a free gift as long as we believe in him; and although it is said he only rewards good children, he still brings a gift with no strings attached other than belief.

But in this film, Father Christmas is not identified by name, he looks like King Theoden from "Lord of the Rings", the animals celebrating Christmas are not to be seen. To show the white witch banning Christmas would make our modern day anti-Christmas, anti-Christian Liberals very uncomfortable since that is exactly what they are doing. As it is this fiolm as a whole, even in its watered-down state, is making them fearful and nervous, and they are attempting to be very dismissive about this film.
I have not yet read the LWW. My daughter and I are making our way through the books and started w/The Magician's Nephew. I have, however, seen both the new release and am (painfully) working my way through the BBC series. Thus far, I can not see how it can be said the BBC LWW is much more faithful to the book than the new release. Certainly there are some differences, but I had to pay close, hard attention to find them. Yes, they spend a bit more time on the Father Christmas aspect -- he's in the red suit and they show the Narnians celebrating Christmas -- which took all of a minute or so. I don't think the new movie tried to gloss over this. I thought Father Christmas looked more traditional than did the department store version in the BBC series. Yes, perhaps it didn't clearly explain the whole banning of Christmas, but to me, the BBC version didn't make it much clearer either.

On the whole, I think the new version does a much better job at bringing the story to life. Differences in technology should not be an excuse. Many great movies were made pre-1988 which did not have even the level of technology available when the BBC series were made and are done much better. I think that excuse has been used as a crutch to hold up the BBC series as being just as good or better than the new version. I can understand nostalgic reasons, etc. I am the same way with Star Wars and many movies that have been extended using updated technology or even remade. I saw them as they originally were 20+ years ago and can still appreciate what was done with the available resources of the time. But, the BBC LWW is very laughable. The White Witch was not scary, but funny (and, according to Mini-Me, my daughter, has yellow teeth! LOL), Lucy was just awful, and they could have gone about it another way trying to recreate the magical world of Narnia than the way they did, and still do it justice with what was available at the time.

Just my $0.02.
I love the BBC version, but it is incredibly cheesy in many places. Like the flying lion and the astonished looks when spring comes.
LOL!!!! But thats what makes it so special! The bist cheesy bit is when theyre flying on Aslans back, and its ovious that its superimposed, and Lucy does an overdramatic gesture and dasp even though you know shes pointing at a blue plastic floor!!
polly&digory said:
I saw the LWW last night for the 3rd time and then came home and unearthed the old BBC version from our shelf. I watched untill the battle but i was laughing so hard through it. I remembered aslan as so cool and very unfake looking. it is amazing the leaps in movies that have gone on in 15-20 years.don't get me wrong i loved them so much when i was younger that our tape is now crappy and wobbly. Anyone else find it humorous?

I don't really blame you :D LOL
*IOWW the Iasc* said:
I've seen the movie 3 times now, too! Though I've never seen the first one... *shields snowballs* I'll probably have to see it, huh?
Only three times?
I saw the movie around a half a month back, and already have seen it a hundred times.
I see it twice/thrice a day.
the BBC?? well, me and my sis wathed it for like 5 mins..and then we got bored and said "ok..this is o dumb: ints not even funny" then we turned if off...hhee