I've been out of it for a while so.... when does the new Doctor Who series begin? sometime soon I hope.
I've been out of it for a while so.... when does the new Doctor Who series begin? sometime soon I hope.

for lucky people in England it starts on Easter, for the rest of us (well, those who have BBC America I believe) it starts on April 17 I think
Does it let up on the relentless propagandizing that any and every privately-owned business is horrible and evil and icky?
Yes, it has been shown in England so I have my calendar ready for April 17 around.
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How come no one is posting here!!! Matt Smith was brilliant. Steven Moffat wrote a really good intro.
I am not sure it was very good. And yeah it has been playing in England for a couple of weeks. The re-vamping of everything was... Well I am not sure I liked it. I am not sure what episode you Americans are up to so I don't want to say too much but one element made my eyes majourly roll and I didun't like the portayle of a very famous character in it. But I am willing to give him lots of trys and to watch a few more.
I am not sure it was very good. And yeah it has been playing in England for a couple of weeks. The re-vamping of everything was... Well I am not sure I liked it. I am not sure what episode you Americans are up to so I don't want to say too much but one element made my eyes majourly roll and I didun't like the portayle of a very famous character in it. But I am willing to give him lots of trys and to watch a few more.
I understand Sami. They usually change a lot of things when they introduce a New Doctor, including the Logo. I thought I was going to feel disappointed but I wasn't, at least not too much. The intro could have been better than the generic "prisoner zero" thing! LOL! Anyway, I liked it.

And in America we are 2 episodes behind! :(
David Tennant's farewell episode strained my patience to breaking. I can't even say it here, but anyone who was paying attention will understand why I was not happy with the Doctor's "helpful" social intervention in his visit to Captain Jack.
That kind of thing's hard to stomach, I must say. I've never agreed with the Doctor Who worldview though—pacifism, &c. I just tune out those bits as best I can and focus on the interesting concepts (and character development). The last episodes were just a bit drawn out, though when it actually got to the interesting bits...I enjoyed them. Or rather, they succeeded in making me sympathize, which is (at least in my estimation) a sign of something well done.
If those episodes you two mentioned were written by Russel T. Davies, well, he's gone now. He's not writing for Doctor Who anymore. I know his episodes were drawn out and were more... well, idealistic, for lack of a non-threatening term.
The current writer, Steven Moffat writes more dramatic and with a lot of unexpected twists. I like him better.
It's more like letting Luke Skywalker take over after Yoda was done running the Jedis.

Moffat and Davies are student and master. Now the new student is the master.

I liked everything about RTD's final episode. Jack's intervention is nothing new for Doctor Who or the companion series, Torchwood. It's perfectly loved by its target audience, which is people in the UK.

Well, except the Daleks now.
Hi Mary! Yes, there are a few Doctor Who fans here! I am one of them! See my siggy and avie? However, there already is a Doctor Who thread in the Lampost section that's been going on for a while so when the mods find this one they will probably merge it.


What episodes have you seen so far? The new ones with Matt Smith?
no i started with the tom baker ones and one other one John i can't think of his last name i am so addicted right now i have alot of tom baker ones i saw a few of them with matt smith
Just got into it a few weeks ago. Started with Doctor 9 and am now completely caught up.

I think my favorite Doctor may actually be Matt Smith. I love mr. Tennant, I really do. But something about Matt.... I like him.