does anyone know besides buying the dvds if there is a way you can catch up to the new ones i am trying to save money but i want ot see all the ones i might end up buying all the tom baker ones does anyone know what doctor he was
other than buying the DVDs I don't know. You Tube has various episodes scattered around. There is a Doctor Who Classics channel on youtube that has the very first episode. When you go there, go to the very bottom of the uploads and the episode is at the very bottom. It is labeled S01E01 An Unearthly Child. Going up the videos, it's episode 2, 3, 4, etc.

There is also a Doctor Who Wiki where you can find everything about the doctor, from the beginning to the end. Tom Baker by the way, was the fourth doctor.
thanks Micheal one day when i am bored or going thru Doctor who withdraw i will check those sites out its just so many different things going on in my life right now that i am to busy with things and i can't afford dropping 30 t0 90 dollars a pop for dvds

4th doctor ok tom baker is my fave one so far i bought one of his dvds when i was browsing around best buy i saw a two other ones one or two of the new doctor but since he is the first one i discovered i want to get all of his
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Thanks Inky!!

Martha annoys me, but she's okay. Hmm. Christopher Ecclestone was a pretty good doctor, but I like the current one too. Can't seem to remember his name...
Boy, I am so glad there are new Doctor Who fans!!! Martha did no annoy me, but I was pretty disappointed in the way they got rid of Rose (actually i was disappointed that they got rid of her at all) and refused to watch the Martha episodes. I recently started watching them a couple of months ago. They are ok, but they are not that awesome... well, some of them are.. I still haven't watch all of them.
If it's between Martha and Rose, I pick Rose all the way. Martha was way too obvious about her liking the Doctor. I mean, I guess Rose was as well, in some ways, but she wasn't all googly eyes 24/7. Martha got better after she left and came back in the Donna episodes, when she wasn't in love with the Doctor any more.

If it's for favorite companion, though... I choose neither and pick Rory. :p
It was never really shown that Donna was in love with the Doctor. They were best friends, but there was no real romantic tension, well at least from my point of view and the few others I've talked to about it.

good to see you too, uncle joe. ^_^
Donna didn't have to be tearing the Doctor's clothes off to be in love with him. I'm going by the fact that she hated ever to be parted from him.
I loved Donna for what I considered a brother-sister thing with the Doctor. She was VERY refreshing after Rose and Martha, and she and the Doctor had such close-yet-non-romantic chemistry.

Has peeps said thoughts on River Song yet? Cause I love discussin her.
Leela was, I think, the first Doctor-companion who ever clearly and unmistakably felt a romantic longing for the Doctor from very early in their acquaintance.
Leela was, I think, the first Doctor-companion who ever clearly and unmistakably felt a romantic longing for the Doctor from very early in their acquaintance.

I can't say I ever noticed that.

The only time I saw any romantic interest between the Doctor and a companion in the classic series was with Romana 2 and even then I thought the interest was all on the Doctor's side.
I saw romantic interest with Sarah Jane and #4, and I have heard about Leela having feeling for the Doctor. In fact, since they were almost back to back with each other, you could almost compare them to Rose and Martha. Sarah Jane being like Rose, and Leela being like Martha.

Which is what some people I know actually compare them to.