Does anyone feel like a total loser?

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psychotic iguana

New member
loser? I mean, I feel like I come on this site, being my normal freaky self, and it didn't go over right, now every time I try to post or PM someone, I feel like I'm annoying them. Does that make any sense? :(
tumnusfreak said:
loser? I mean, I feel like I come on this site, being my normal freaky self, and it didn't go over right, now every time I try to post or PM someone, I feel like I'm annoying them. Does that make any sense? :(
yep i feel the same way.
tumnusfreak said:
I really like your mask and tux, btw- The Phantom of the Opera- ish

sorry you feel that both of you. But plesae stay!! You can PM me all ya want and I swear I won't get annoyed. I'm freakish too! So we'd get along GREAT!! lol...:D
GeNtLe SuSaN said:
sorry you feel that both of you. But plesae stay!! You can PM me all ya want and I swear I won't get annoyed. I'm freakish too! So we'd get along GREAT!! lol...:D
yeah thanks
You are not annoying me. I received your pm about a banner and I will help you! Don't feel left out sweetie. That's not necessary, because you are not annoying.
aw guys! I'm so sorry you feel like that! perhaps you're just talking to the wrong people :) its too much fun being weird and freaky to be normal and serious.

I truly hope you don't leave just because you think you're annoying people. If I wanted to leave every time I thought someone was getting annoyed with me, I'd've been gone probably 3 days after I joined :p
tumnusfreak said:
loser? I mean, I feel like I come on this site, being my normal freaky self, and it didn't go over right, now every time I try to post or PM someone, I feel like I'm annoying them. Does that make any sense? :(
yes it makes sense. but i dont feel like a loser...
*Estel* said:
a loser..i dont know if 'loser' is the right word for me..more like 'ignored'

Sorry you feel like that, I know where you're coming from. Maybe if you start posting in a couple of groups you like you'll make some new friends who'll make sure you're included? I personally like the Pirates.... :D

I love your sig and avatar by the way. Lord of the Rings rocks. And your name is the meaning of my name in elvish (If that makes any sense at all :rolleyes: ). Rather more insightful than my own moniker...
tumnusfreak said:
loser? I mean, I feel like I come on this site, being my normal freaky self, and it didn't go over right, now every time I try to post or PM someone, I feel like I'm annoying them. Does that make any sense? :(

Sure everyone feels that way once in a while, and the thing about PMs is ...'what if they don't answer me' know. Don't worry about it though. Get involved on the forum and if you want friends you should add them to your AOL or Yahoo messenger list and buddy list too. :)
tumnusfreak said:
loser? I mean, I feel like I come on this site, being my normal freaky self, and it didn't go over right, now every time I try to post or PM someone, I feel like I'm annoying them. Does that make any sense? :(
Aw! Don't worry, your PMs to me about pie (mplf) and tea and just whatever haven't bothered me a bit! :D I rather liked them, actually, they were fun. :D
Yeah, I'm feeling pretty ignored too. I mean, all these new members have come, and then some of the old ones just get left behind...and everytime something is goig on that I want to join in on...I always feel like I'm butting in on something...
It's all well and good to ARRIVE at a forum, but to make friends you need to take the first step in showing an interest in what they do.

It never hurts to visit the art forum and say "Wow, awesome banners, dude! Would you make me one like that?" That goes over so much better than starting a thread of your own and saying, "Someone please don't ignore this banner request..."

The more pro-active you are in showing love first, the more likely you are to get kissed before sundown. Just my observation.

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