Does anyone feel like a total loser?

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DW, again. You said NOTHING about him at all- it could be anyone for all he knows... now- NO MORE TALKING ABOUT IT!!!!!!! IT MAKES ME CURIOUSER!!!!!
no... actually, he knows who he is. but I think he's mad at me so he's not coming online. or he's at school already. who knows?

ps- that's precisely what I am aiming for. i like making people go MAD.
hey guys
i feel me as a total loser on scool
what can i do....??
i hope you can help me... :eek:
The only people who are losers are those who are full of themselves and think they're all that. The humblish (my creative word) people aren't losers, they're just kind of out there. At least that's what I think. I think I'm one of those people, and I hang out with a girl who's not "cool" or whatever, but she's the best friend you could ever had. That makes me a supposed "loser".

But I still think the people who think they're cool are the real losers here. (Sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone.) :eek:
Jinn said:
hey guys
i feel me as a total loser on scool
what can i do....??
i hope you can help me... :eek:

Hmmmmm, that's not nice! Did anyone make you feel like you were a loser? Because then, usually, they're just jealous. :rolleyes: I don't know you very well but my impression of you is not at all related to any sort of "loser"-thoughts. And I'm good at getting impressions from people, hah, so I think you're not a loser. No one has the right to make you feel in any way inferior to them. Absolutely no one. You're just as nice, cute, smart, etc. as they are and don't let anyone convince you otherwise!
thanks Solya, but she WAS a friend of my, she did me think that i am a loser...
and she think that she my best friend is because i say that a long time a go but she isn't she was....
she is very change and i hate that....
i sat (???) behind her in the class because she like that i can't say no everytime....
she would like to biking with me to scool .... i can't say no
she would like (this jear) sit behind me ....i can't say no
what can i do ....
(and lilith this is not meant for the way...)
Jinn said:
thanks Solya, but she WAS a friend of my, she did me think that i am a loser...
and she think that she my best friend is because i say that a long time a go but she isn't she was....
she is very change and i hate that....
i sat (???) behind her in the class because she like that i can't say no everytime....
she would like to biking with me to scool .... i can't say no
she would like (this jear) sit behind me ....i can't say no
what can i do ....
(and lilith this is not meant for the way...)

It can't be about me, you said "WAS"... ;) Are you talking about Bolkie?? Again...
Certainly a friend (former or current) should know better than that. :) And you can say "no" to her because she doesn't make you feel good... it's all right to refuse that sort of stuff if she's really changed that much and stuff. It's hard in the beginning but the thing is that if you don't tell her "no" she's probably going to walk all over you in the end.
Solya said:
Certainly a friend (former or current) should know better than that. :) And you can say "no" to her because she doesn't make you feel good... it's all right to refuse that sort of stuff if she's really changed that much and stuff. It's hard in the beginning but the thing is that if you don't tell her "no" she's probably going to walk all over you in the end.


But Maike is sometimes just too nice to say no... Well, Maike, we'll cycle to school together whenever we can and otherwise, just cycle alone!!
HAH, I've always been too nice to say "no" as well. ;) But I realised that people really took advantage of me and so I'm now learning how to say "no" and how to stand my ground. I've been used too many times before and I won't let that happen again.
psychotic iguana said:
loser? I mean, I feel like I come on this site, being my normal freaky self, and it didn't go over right, now every time I try to post or PM someone, I feel like I'm annoying them. Does that make any sense? :(

omg..yes i feel like that all the time....sigh..
Solya said:
HAH, I've always been too nice to say "no" as well. ;) But I realised that people really took advantage of me and so I'm now learning how to say "no" and how to stand my ground. I've been used too many times before and I won't let that happen again.

Good for you!! ;)
Solya said:
HAH, I've always been too nice to say "no" as well. ;) But I realised that people really took advantage of me and so I'm now learning how to say "no" and how to stand my ground. I've been used too many times before and I won't let that happen again.

I think us women and girls find it easier to say 'yes' than 'no.' Because most of the time by nature that's the way we are. I've been taken advantage of but whenever I was, I knew it was my fault. I mean people can't 'use' you unless you put a 'welcome mat' out there to invite them to do so. In the last fifteen years it's been really easy to say no to people I don't know very well. With good friends or family it is a little harder still.
Sisteuber said:
omg..yes i feel like that all the time....sigh..

If you want to make friends, be a friend! Something I've been doing lately is welcoming all the new people who join the site. You know, just sending them a PM say hi and stuff. Sometimes they just ignore it, but lots of time people are so glad to feel welcome. And this way, you will make new friends, too. :)
Also just be real active on the board and be a positive person...people notice a member whose positive right away. Heck, I felt like an outsider at first when I came here but I just jumped in and started posting like crazy :D
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