Does anyone feel like a total loser?

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.:Susan.the.Gentle:. said:
Yeah, I'm feeling pretty ignored too. I mean, all these new members have come, and then some of the old ones just get left behind...and everytime something is goig on that I want to join in on...I always feel like I'm butting in on something...

Don't feel that way. Just join in! Heck I feel ignored half the time but do I let that stop me? Nah. :D
Sometimes people are even more cooler than they sound. You will see........just follow the advice of Eveningstar and you will see the people are not ignoring you at all. And just like IceMaiden said, continue posting and have fun :D
I do not get annoyed easy, though I can not say the same about the other way around. :rolleyes:

I get enough PMs from time to time, though they may seem bothering at first,
doesn't it feel better once you are done with them?
Well, I think so. I have never ignored a PM completely (okay maybe a few @_@).
But hey, it is just how you feel.

I suggest you, or if anyone feels about the same-
Get to know someone or some people, be familiar with them.
You should feel comfortable, and I guess, they will too. ^_^


You can spam them :rolleyes:
Thats how I used to feel all the time but what is working for me is to get out there and post more that way people see you around the forum more and then maybe it will lead to friends. (at least thats my strategy we shall see if it works) lol
It's definitely true if you make yourself known that's a good thing. But it isn't the number of your posts that count, it's what you say and how you say it too...
Yeah, the subject of your posts and your words are more important than the number of posts you make. :) I've got certain sections of the board which I always visit but there's also sections I barely post in. I guess that I know a lot of people through my participation in discussions and so on. ;)
Solya you have extremely insightful, interesting posts. I also love the fact that you're from the Netherlands...I would love to go back there again and pick up on handsome tall Dutch men!

I think I post pretty good stuff, mostly questions, but sometimes I post to fast and react emotionally to things, when I should take a deep breath and just sort out my mind before I type. I've regretted saying a few things to younger members here...wondering why was I arguing with a ten year old??? I felt soooo much like a loser when I realized a ten year old had made me annoyed.
tumnusfreak said:
loser? I mean, I feel like I come on this site, being my normal freaky self, and it didn't go over right, now every time I try to post or PM someone, I feel like I'm annoying them. Does that make any sense? :(
Ah,I'm sure you're not annoying them! I always get happy when someone PM me :D
IceMaiden said:
Solya you have extremely insightful, interesting posts. I also love the fact that you're from the Netherlands...I would love to go back there again and pick up on handsome tall Dutch men!

Awwww, thanks! ^-^ And you can always come here and pick up our beautiful men, hahaha... every time I walk out onto the streets I am amazed at the pretty people that walk past! :D

I think I post pretty good stuff, mostly questions, but sometimes I post to fast and react emotionally to things, when I should take a deep breath and just sort out my mind before I type. I've regretted saying a few things to younger members here...wondering why was I arguing with a ten year old??? I felt soooo much like a loser when I realized a ten year old had made me annoyed.

HAHA! I know that feeling sooooo well. I haven't had that on this forum yet, but I am a moderator somewhere else and some people on that board who had annoyed the living daylights out of me were sooooo young. But at the same time I'm even more shocked at people who are my age and yet act like three-years-olds, hah. :rolleyes:

You post good stuff, yes. I always find it a pleasure to read your posts. It's perfectly normal to react a little emotionally to things... because I feel some things definitely touch your heart on this board. I find that I go into posting something with a relatively relaxed view on things, but that all of a sudden I get fired up while typing because the issue has been on my mind for ages. I always take a while with the posting because I have to reword my phrasing most of the time. :D
Solya said:
Awwww, thanks! ^-^ And you can always come here and pick up our beautiful men, hahaha... every time I walk out onto the streets I am amazed at the pretty people that walk past! :D

I disagree this time... At least, here in Horst there are no handsome men!! :p

.:Susan.the.Gentle:. said:
Yeah, I'm feeling pretty ignored too. I mean, all these new members have come, and then some of the old ones just get left behind...and everytime something is goig on that I want to join in on...I always feel like I'm butting in on something...

When there are new Willianites, I just welcome them and then get back to the rest... The older ones just know each other better... So actually, I felt ignored when I just registered here, but now... I just love it so much and everyone is just so nice!! So I don't feel like a loser... And when I want to join somewhere I just join; that's what I want, and no one will stop me...

I'm just being me, I never lied here... And I really am that weird in real-life... In real-life there are people around me who don't have the same interests as me, and that's why they sometiems don't like me cos I'm weird... But I just stay myself, otherwise I feel I'm lying all the time, and that's the worst feeling I've ever felt... Cos once, I wasn't myself to be cool, but I learned my lesson there... I'll forever regret I acted like that...

But no one who comes here is a loser... At least, that's my opinion... So everyone just be happy with who you are, because you do have friends!! At least here... Everyone can PM me if they need something, and I'll be happy to get that PM...
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IceMaiden said:
It's definitely true if you make yourself known that's a good thing. But it isn't the number of your posts that count, it's what you say and how you say it too...

woops i think i was kinda vague in my post before you said that. i didn't mean that i post just to post whenever i post its because i have something to say its never because i just want my post count up! sry if i made anyone think that. I totally agree with you though its what you say that really counts
tumnusfreak said:
loser? I mean, I feel like I come on this site, being my normal freaky self, and it didn't go over right, now every time I try to post or PM someone, I feel like I'm annoying them. Does that make any sense? :(
Yea it makes sense like when I once pmed a mod "Rogue" about the interview to Skandar a long time ago-ages I guess telling a great job and everything telling good questions but my stomach turn upside when I want to pmed her like I thought she will go like "Yea I know! I am great!"
I'm not offending you Rogue...
I feel like a loser... majorly. when I first came here, all my threads kept getting locked. by Elf of the Grey Havens. grr that made me mad, but he's not that annoying anymore. especially since I don't make any lock-worthy threads. lol but also because someone found out I like him, and now I just feel like a complete idiot.
I don't feel like a loser on this site any more! But before everybody would ignore me and not reply to my threads because they were talking to their friends and stuff. Now,since I've pmd people I don't know, I have a lot of new friends! You just gotta try to be friendly. And us...friendly back!
When I first came here I felt like a loser like
"How do I post threads around here?"
"I need help on this signature thing how do I put a picture in it!"
I felt like a idot not anymore cause I learn the system here and met a lot of people!
ramandu's_daughter said:
I feel like a loser... majorly. when I first came here, all my threads kept getting locked. by Elf of the Grey Havens. grr that made me mad, but he's not that annoying anymore. especially since I don't make any lock-worthy threads. lol but also because someone found out I like him, and now I just feel like a complete idiot.

Well I agree with what was said in a few posts previously..NO ONE here should feel like a loser because you're not!! I think there are times when I felt 'stupid' if a thread of mine got locked or I said something in haste and anger, and regretted not editing the post earlier, before others had to read what I wrote.
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