Does anyone feel like a total loser?

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oh. I meant someone else... if you gotta know, PM me, but I am not saying who here. Elf of the Grey Havens is alright, but I don't like him in that sense. (NOT saying I like him, people)
ramandu's_daughter said:
oh. I meant someone else... if you gotta know, PM me, but I am not saying who here. Elf of the Grey Havens is alright, but I don't like him in that sense. (NOT saying I like him, people)

I gotcha. :) I'll uh, delete my statement.
ramandu's_daughter said:
I feel like a loser... majorly. when I first came here, all my threads kept getting locked. by Elf of the Grey Havens. grr that made me mad, but he's not that annoying anymore. especially since I don't make any lock-worthy threads. lol but also because someone found out I like him, and now I just feel like a complete idiot.
aww you liked him!!!! :)
when I said "someone found out I liked him," Someone is supposed to mean the Him I talk about... weren't you on the Sleepover thread on friday??? I said who I liked then.
ramandu's_daughter said:
when I said "someone found out I liked him," Someone is supposed to mean the Him I talk about... weren't you on the Sleepover thread on friday??? I said who I liked then. i didnt.....humm...OH WELL! :(
Okay, we don't have to talk about how utterly PASSIONATE you are about said person... fine, I shan't utter another syllabyll (sp.?) about your intense love
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