Does Susan go to the "New Narnia"?/Whatever happened to Susan?

Or maybe Susan's story is about what happens when your source of happiness is things that happen outside--such as your appearance or reputation--versus real substance within. She chose outer distractions over what she carried in her heart, the memories, feelings and responsibilities of being a Queen of Narnia.

And before anyone thinks that only kids can love Narnia, consider Digory and Polly. Consider how it profoundly affected their entire lives.
Or maybe Susan's story is about what happens when your source of happiness is things that happen outside--such as your appearance or reputation--versus real substance within. She chose outer distractions over what she carried in her heart, the memories, feelings and responsibilities of being a Queen of Narnia.

I like that interpretation, too, EveningStar. Part of what makes Susan's ultimate fate so haunting and mysterious is that it lends itself to a lot of different and valid readings.
Maybe Susan was sort of afraid of what might happen to her (reputation) in the real world if people found out that she believed in such things. Maybe Narnia was just too much for her to take in.
Maybe Susan was sort of afraid of what might happen to her (reputation) in the real world if people found out that she believed in such things. Maybe Narnia was just too much for her to take in.

Good point, MorningTime. That's why I like the idea of her discovering after LB that at least some of her friends would appreciate her even more if she dared to show her true self.
It would not be that much of a stretch to assume if she did make it back that her journey, at least spiritually would be a bit like that of Oreul, Psyches sister in CS Lewis' Till We Have Faces.

No doubt, at least early on, she would express some anger at Aslan for taking her parents and siblings from her, just as Oreul was angry at the gods for taking Psyche.
That would be funny, actually. Pairs of people in suits with briefcases going from door to door asking if you would talk with them for a while about Aslan and handing out literature.

"We're from the First Church of the Wardrobe, Reformed.... This is Deacon Trufflehunter and I'm Deacon Corin...."

<door slam>

"Who's next on the list, Corin?"

"Some old coot named Digory Kirke. But he won't listen to us...let's go home and get a good night's sleep, then we'll try Tewksbury...."
That actually happened in my fifth grade class. My teacher just walked around and everyone would have a good chat with Narnia...that was before everyone turned into teenagers. Ahh, the good ol' times!
Good point, MorningTime. That's why I like the idea of her discovering after LB that at least some of her friends would appreciate her even more if she dared to show her true self.

During my faith formation classes, someone in my class asked why people from other religions seem to express it more. She answered that other religions aren't afraid to express themselves. She (sadly) said that Christians are rarpther shy to their faith.

Which representation of Susan comes in. In my point of view, she is like the Christian who is timid to express their faith. There may be reasons why, both religious and non-religious as we discussed.
During my faith formation classes, someone in my class asked why people from other religions seem to express it more. She answered that other religions aren't afraid to express themselves. She (sadly) said that Christians are rarpther shy to their faith.

Which representation of Susan comes in. In my point of view, she is like the Christian who is timid to express their faith. There may be reasons why, both religious and non-religious as we discussed.

I think that a lot of Christians receive social pressure to keep their religion hidden and act like it isn't an essential part of who they are, even if it is. Other religions in America are not able to be sneered at without accusations of bigotry coming into play, but it is okay for "educated" people to mock Christians and claim basically only fools think Christianity is completely true.

It seems to be a challenge for some people to accept the fact that I can be a smart, friendly person who takes her Christianity seriously, but I make no effort to conceal the fact that I'm a Christian first and foremost. The modern idea that freedom of religion only means that I have a right to think and act according to my faith in my house or in my church is flat out wrong:(
That's the danger of any group that gets to be "too successful". When Christianity was persecuted, it was a tightly knit community of adventurous souls that understood the importance of finding a way to do what they had to do. Now in many places it just coasts along on the momentum built up by our forefathers.

It may once again become that way for religious Christianity. And yes, folks, you heard it here, my use of "Religious Christianity" versus "Cultural Christianity". Oh I don't think anyone's going to arrest you for putting up a Christmas tree or watching TV specials about "that kid in the manger and those odd gifts from those three king dudes". That is merely Cultural Christianity. But when it comes to making decisions that affect your choice of career or whom you marry, where your children go to school and what legal restrictions or requirements you can in good faith tolerate, that's another matter. People seek to redefine Christianity the way they seek to redefine marriage, and those who hold to a more historical form will be condemned not as heretics but as bigots and they will be thrown to the lions for their "hate speech".
That's the danger of any group that gets to be "too successful". When Christianity was persecuted, it was a tightly knit community of adventurous souls that understood the importance of finding a way to do what they had to do. Now in many places it just coasts along on the momentum built up by our forefathers.

It may once again become that way for religious Christianity. And yes, folks, you heard it here, my use of "Religious Christianity" versus "Cultural Christianity". Oh I don't think anyone's going to arrest you for putting up a Christmas tree or watching TV specials about "that kid in the manger and those odd gifts from those three king dudes". That is merely Cultural Christianity. But when it comes to making decisions that affect your choice of career or whom you marry, where your children go to school and what legal restrictions or requirements you can in good faith tolerate, that's another matter. People seek to redefine Christianity the way they seek to redefine marriage, and those who hold to a more historical form will be condemned not as heretics but as bigots and they will be thrown to the lions for their "hate speech".

Good post. You confirm the situation that I (unfortunately) see developing in America and probably other Western Countries.
I heard that Lewis wrote a letter in 1957 that said he was open to writing more about Susan and may have begun writing an eighth book just before his death.:D
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I heard that Lewis wrote a letter in 1959 that said he was open to writing more about Susan and may have begun writing an eighth book just before his death.:D

Lewis was going to re-edit all 7 books but he died before he could do it. What was he going to re-edit his time line, killing of the evil which ,he did not explian, Susan in his books was his fear of women as was Jadis thats why the male sex is stronger but he also put Lilith in his first book LWW, Lilith or Eve they are both women and he tried to tell them apart.
Lewis was going to re-edit all 7 books but he died before he could do it. What was he going to re-edit his time line, killing of the evil which ,he did not explian, Susan in his books was his fear of women as was Jadis thats why the male sex is stronger but he also put Lilith in his first book LWW, Lilith or Eve they are both women and he tried to tell them apart.
I am having difficulty making out what you are saying here, JDW. Particularly this:
"What was he going to re-edit his time line, killing of the evil which ,he did not explian, Susan in his books was his fear of women as was Jadis thats why the male sex is stronger but he also put Lilith in his first book LWW, Lilith or Eve they are both women and he tried to tell them apart." Are you saying CSL was afraid of women, and that's why men were stronger in his books? There are a few answers to this, but one obvious one is that no one except Aslan was stronger than Jadis -- if you are saying that CSL was afraid of women and "that's why the male sex is stronger," you are not dealing in facts from the books -- of the men in TMN (Diggory, Uncle Andrew and King Frank), all are weaker than Jadis, so your premise doesn't make any sense.
Good post. You confirm the situation that I (unfortunately) see developing in America and probably other Western Countries.

What do you see? the Minas, Incia, nostramas, the bible code, or the native indians of your land and dont forget they where there long before you. What do you see or are you the one who tells people to follow a comet?
I am having difficulty making out what you are saying here, JDW. Particularly this:
"What was he going to re-edit his time line, killing of the evil which ,he did not explian, Susan in his books was his fear of women as was Jadis thats why the male sex is stronger but he also put Lilith in his first book LWW, Lilith or Eve they are both women and he tried to tell them apart." Are you saying CSL was afraid of women, and that's why men were stronger in his books? There are a few answers to this, but one obvious one is that no one except Aslan was stronger than Jadis -- if you are saying that CSL was afraid of women and "that's why the male sex is stronger," you are not dealing in facts from the books -- of the men in TMN (Diggory, Uncle Andrew and King Frank), all are weaker than Jadis, so your premise doesn't make any sense.

Its a well knowen fact Lewis was afrid of the other sex, and thats why the male role in his books where stronger yes digory ect but who was the female?
I am having difficulty making out what you are saying here, JDW. Particularly this:
"What was he going to re-edit his time line, killing of the evil which ,he did not explian, Susan in his books was his fear of women as was Jadis thats why the male sex is stronger but he also put Lilith in his first book LWW, Lilith or Eve they are both women and he tried to tell them apart." Are you saying CSL was afraid of women, and that's why men were stronger in his books? There are a few answers to this, but one obvious one is that no one except Aslan was stronger than Jadis -- if you are saying that CSL was afraid of women and "that's why the male sex is stronger," you are not dealing in facts from the books -- of the men in TMN (Diggory, Uncle Andrew and King Frank), all are weaker than Jadis, so your premise doesn't make any sense.

Well you tell me what he was goning to re-edit, and his fear or the women sex Aslan is a man Jadis is a woman.